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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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jno, you are supposed to we'll have to wait for the solar panels to charge it again!!

talking of which....oight oight all
Only one Neti .Based on the book which was published around 1945 ish .
Read the book if you can .I lent mine to someone years ago and it was never returned .I may buy another copy and read it again .They sometimes mangle books when they make them into films and television productions but this was one of those that stayed true to the book .I remember watching it and thinking how it was sometimes word for word .It brought it all to life .
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
Just finished Brideshead, oh I loved it, and yes I will certainly look out for the book, it made me feel quite sad really. Ah well must off to bed, someone has just started a bbq at this hoour 00.40hrs and the smell of greasy meat is upsetting me, have had to close all doors and windows cos I cannot abide that liongering smell.

I feel quite lost now that I have nothing to look forward too.

Oight oight.
whoop de doo, another cool, damp, grey morning. I am going to go to the doctor and tell him the steroids haven't stopped me coughing (though it's just a dry cough in the evenings now, not an all-day phlegmfest). After that, I don't know what, but I wish I could stop, it's tiring.
cool damp and grey here too. My man what paints and stuff is here. He had a job before mine but its all outdoor work so he phoned this morning to say could he come here instead.
Morning all
Ditto weather here ,the sun is trying to come out though .
Hope you are all ok though .I'm sorry to hear that cough is still troubling you Jno .It's a high pollen count atm ,extreme on Accu so that could affect you as well .The air is very dry even round here .
We are lolling again. I have shut the inside doors and opened the patio doors round downstairs so we can get from room to room while keeping the dogs out of the hall and the new white paint. Its going to be a long day.
Guess who's P****d off with what I've got....
Sorry for you Jno...I know how you feel about wanting something to stop.

Sun keeps coming out and going in. School this afto for me if this lot goes away for an hour or two.

Laters 'gaters
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Morning...very breezy but muggy here. Hope it stays dry, the gardener's coming to finish the hedges s'afto.
Love the energy tree woofy, has it charged up again, it's my turn to be plugged in today? I wonder if my robinia works...knowing my luck I'll have a crow plop on me, they like it up there.

I see the Spanish news is late in again...neti, jno posted the black lagoon a couple of pages back & I replied :)....Brideshead has to be the best ever tv drama, I never tire of watching it.

shaney has a point about your cough jno, have you tried antihistamines?

Jude, you need some in depth (sorry) investigations into that problem, it can't be right. I think I mentioned my bro-i-l had an extended problem but he tested positive for a nasty bug & was treated.
I don't throw it away, I use all my paper..
Late good morning folks. Have no energy at all today it is so hot, can't stand it grrrr.

Mr N and I went to village to look at mini ovens, he l,ooks at the prices and I don't, all he kept picking out were microwaves, cos they are cheaper he doesn't have a clue and then when I found one or two that I like, he decides they are too big to fit in the space. Ignored totally the new big cooker that I want. So still no mini oven. So we are going to the big city tomorrow to check there. Then I had to go down to the village again for brekkie with hija (Mr N and I had already had ours but I had promised), then we went round looking for shoes (her) and mini ovens (me) and then we popped into the dress shop to see my new dress, she liked it luckily!
I've been given some antibiotics this time, plus an asthma inhaler to try. It's not really wheezy, just dry and tickly. Antihistamines don't seem to make any difference. You might be right about the pollen, shaney. I should probably just go and live in the fridge.

Sorry to hear you're still ailing too, Jude.

I love that origami... I've always wondered what the world's largest origami giraffe looked like, and now I know.
incredible are't they? I used to do origami, but nothing as amazing as that. before pound coins, I used to to do dinner table folds from pound notes. Americans have a huge advantage over us as the dollar bill is a better shape for folding.
neti I am astounded that microwaves are cheaper than mini ovens.
channelling some health thoughts for jude and jno. Robi don't run around like a clockwork toy and wind down again will you?
(waves to Lottie as i haven't seen her today)
Yes woofy microwaves about 55€ and mini ovens 89€.

Have just eaten a few small bbq ribs on onionuy mash and it was nice. But it is so warm here now, Mr N is flaking and we are both so terribly thirsty so have to drink lots of water now.
took my antibiotic with a sip of riesling before the penny dropped... I have now hastily googled it and it seems the combination won't kill me. Phew.
Oight Oight Biddfyriends everywhere!!
Mayhap another little sip of Riesling wouldn't go amiss either jno!!
jno, there are only a few antibiotics that don't go okay with alcohol and they aren't commonly used ones. The biggie is metronizadole which has an antabuse like effect.
We have a busy day tomorrow so oight oight all
Waves back to Woofy, if somewhat belatedly. Oight and oight and good morning to Biddies!! Windy and wild here and promising to become more windy and wild with the added bonus of rain. I have visitors on Sunday. Must do some long overdue housework :o(.

good morning all, another lolling day because of painter man. he is glossing the inside of the front door today which is the worst bit as its essential to keep the dogs away from the door for 6 to 8 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a wet and noisy night last night and its still windy here today.

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