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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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me too...oight oight
more effing fireworks from the port, this time to celebrate the launch of the latest cruiseliner. I have just blown my top at the city complaints line and then went and found the port's facebook page and let rip on there. Shughy is still shaking even though they finished around 30 minutes my harridan head on!!
sorry about the swearing
bit late for fireworks, wasn't it? What's wrong with just after sunset?
Ooo I was so cross last night. It sounded like a warzone, really noisy. Shughy was trying to climb up me and sit on my head and Rab was crying and shaking.
Once they get to that state there's nothing to be done till the adrenaline has settled again. The blooming Port think they can do anything.
must be like living in Ibiza.
Living in Ibiza here!

We get fireworks on June 23 john the baptists day
Morning all. Quiet, lazy day for me. Gardening again. Cut the grass at the front and did my neighbours as well. I did the edges for her (and me) too. She hates gardening so I don't mind and she goes to work and looks after her grandchildren. Her daughter had 2 sons then a daughter and then twins this year, one of each. Are you still with me :) (5 in total)
Off to feed my face now. Pork Medallions, stuffing and veg.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Back from the village with my new turquoise layered dress, which I love.(for the wedding). Pool is painted so will be filled tonight. Mini oven still wobbling about, Mr N is going to put brackets on it to hold it on, but when? Cannot use it until he stablilises it.

Obviously very warm here, am swetineti again.
Hope you are feeling better jude and have slowed down a bit, and hope jno is sleeping OK with a little help from the Riesling (I love Riesling, can't get it here). Robi jhope you feel better also and have more energy and shaney hope your legs and hips are behaving, woofy and dogs, well what can I say, sleep when you can, and lottie hope you are OK too.
My "gout" toe is very hard to the touch and cannot bend, which is a shame as I used to pick things up with my feet, but it's difficult now, can still do it with other foot.

Right I must do all the household thingies now, ie tidying up, washing, ironing as this is my energetic time, come 15.30 I am shattered.
hello all...have calmed down a bit, posted FiL's Dad;s day gift and card, been to a nice little local market (left dogs with nice painter man) and have had garden furniture cushion storage and water butt delivered. Cool and showery here but pleasant.
Hello all
It was lovely first thing and I had visions of sitting out with a book and doing b all but it went down the pan and has clouded over now .
Hope you are all ok though . Nothing much doing here .My son has shoved off until next week ,so we'll have a quiet weekend hopefully.
Had a nice afternoon clacking with my Sil and crew yesterday . Plenty of cake and tea .
Poor old woofers .Shaney was terrified of fireworks and would try and get into my pocket when they let the damn things off .
KBO lovelies xx
Ironing done, russian salad, and spanish tortilla done, washing done, bikini line done again, legs done and toe nails painted purple, must be lovely to live somewhere where4 all is not exposed!!

Have a hurty big toe on other foot now, I came in the lounge this morning, shoeless as is my want, and trod on a big sewing needle, it stuck right in and Mr N couldn't touch it (I reckon he laid the trap) so I had to pull it out and it is so painful, Stopped hurting while I was shopping and coffeeing and has started again now. I'll be in a wheelchair soon!

Shaney I wanted to know do you still have to put something on Mr s, not mentioning what or is he OK now.
The sun has got again so am glad I washed everything in sight including my tatty dressing gown :)
Looks as if the evening will crown the day .
Mr S is fine Neti ,thanks for asking .He copes well with his contraption and doesn't have to have a catheter anymore .He's done well really but of course there are some things he can't do in comfort that he used to be able to do and I think he'll always have to sit on a cushion ,at least indoors :-)
just seen my painter man off for the weekend. He will come back monday and I think that will be it. Need to catch up now on stuff like laundry and vacuuming which i can't do while he's here cos of being stuck in rooms away from wet paint.
Neti, you are a doughnut!! We have strict needle and pin counting here because of the dogs who are always barefoot.
Do you think you could have a touch of arthritis in your toes Neti ? My toes are not as flexible as they used to be .In fact they are horrible and stiff at times .What you think maybe gout could be inflammation.You can get those nodes on your toes like you get on your fingers and that can be painful .
The ceanothus is providing a lovely splash of colour
and the foxies are starting to flower

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Morning all...haha, I'm leaving that.
That's how tired I am again, I don't even know if it's day or night.

Been crip weather up until tea time, dragged myself here and old man got out of his car as I was walking past, he looked at me and then the sky and in a loud voice said 'Intit bloody marvellous?!'...hahaha.

Lovely pics shaney, that ceanothus is stunning.
Hope you're all bearing up...I've had one really painful shoulder the past couple of days, so that put paid to my trapeze act...then this morning I walked into the door & it's handle and now I've got a matching pair...can't even do my one hand juggling. Tut.
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ps your 3rd pic doesn't open shaney
Oooh ..I'll try again Robinia
Same here with the weather's a really lovely sunny evening .
I'm still running the freezer down ,we've just had Christmas in June .
Stuffing balls and little sausages wrapped in bacon ...hahaa.
Mr S will eat anything :)
lovely pictures Shaney.
Time for bed I think. I am watching a program about life in Elizabethan times but its deadly boring or maybe I am just too tired.

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