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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Woofy I always count my needles and pins, and this is what is so confusing, where did it come from? I'd already walked through there earlier with no mishap!

It was the doctor who told me it was gout after my blood tests, but the base underneath of all toes on both feet really hurt when I've been inactive for a while, that is when I hobblr on my heels.

Just been out for nice relaxing dinner on the beach front, I had a mojito, weshared a grilled goat's cheese salad, and then he had a pizza and I had raviolis, so we shared and I brought half the pizza home. It was getting really chilly but it's sweltering back here at home.
I watched the first one of those Woofy and haven't bothered with the others .
The time traveller chap .He's just drones on and I found it boring too.
In fact ,apart from the Tudor feast the whole season of Tudor progs was boring and I'd looked forward to it after the hype .It wasn't the content but the presenters that spoilt it for me .
That all sounds very painful Neti .I would go back to the doctors .
Oight Oight from Shaneytowers ,sleep toight .
Catching up on tonights soap on YouTube.
oight oight
a knighthood for Sir Baldrick and a mere CBE for the annoying Rowan Atkinson, justice is done! I have even started a News thread on it. My OH has met Tony and says he's a wonderful guy. Atkinson always seems a supercilious prat in real life, much as on screen. though neither of us has met him so perhaps I am being unfair.
had a magistrate round for dinner (the one who eats off her knife, can that be legal?), finished off the Countreau bottle (though that was already mostly gone as I like to drizzle it on vanilla ice cream) and began on a bottle of Chartreuse I found in the back of the cupboard that was so old its price label was in francs. Just as well my anti-bs won't react with alcohol and kill me.
Morning Biddyfriends. Lovely photos Shaney. I have fox gloves and poppies that Fuschia gave me and they come up every year. I've also got some hollyhocksbut where they've gone I don't know but I can't see them yet.
Off to Fuschia's for my cuppa then meeting my young friend who likes to talk tome. I think I've told you before. She's the one who was in the same 'position' as me.
Then I'm going to Sainsburys for a stock up. I might just treat myself to a lemony sugary sponge cake again.
Have a good all. See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning all, yes shaney very pretty pictures, that's all I'm gonna say on the matter.

Just been shopping and brekkie, now off to meet someone who has got me a couple of wifi boosters for out laptops.

When I bought my dress yesterday, the same woman who thought I hadn't had the menopause, remembered who Iwas and that I had been here since 1971 , and said how they all loved my long straight blonde hair (they all being dark and permed as was their want in those days). She remembered me in the local bar playing 7,14,21 as she played it too! Lovely to hear all of it I must say. I started to cringe when she mentioned some of my boyfriends!
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Morning...barely into double figures (the temperature, not my bust measurement). I'd take a pic of my foxgloves but it's too windy & I've just washed my 'beautiful hair'....haha, that's what a five yr old said I had a few days ago.

I've only knowingly met one magistrate who chose to randomly tell me that fact, it wasn't something I needed to know...he was grumpy and clumsy so he probably ate with his knife too.

had a nice long sleep, thanks to the drink no doubt, but I think I will stop drinking for a while to let the ani-bis have a better chance. It's been lovely and sunny all morning and it's going to be lovely and heavy rain all afternoon.

Lots of ceanothus out our way, shaney, now mostly colouring the pavement bright blue. We've got a little one ourselves but it will be some time before it's any size.
Morning all
Dull and dreary and now it's thundering .
Hope you folks are all ok . I'm in hobbling around mode this this morning .
My knees are singing the the hallelujah chorus.
And now it's coming down in stair rods with hail .Bldy weather ..grrrrr.
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Can my right hip have a place in the chorus please shaney?
Just had a shower and some black stormy looking clouds heading over, it's playing havoc with my sinuses.
good morning all, its grey and windy here. Shughy had ine of his "the wind is a monster" nights so all a bit restless. I don't mind, the dogs enjoy it and the weather was too horrible to go out for a proper walk this morning so we didn't. I was going to do stuff but the Trooping is on so am watching that instead.
One of the people I used to work with was a magistrate. Honestly she was a complete idiot (still is) and a very annoying woman.
our magistrate friend is lovely, just this one odd habit.

Mind you, my mother was appallled when I grew up and started to turn my fork upside down so I could scoop up peas with it. In her world you had to have it curved side up, with everything rolling off unless you mashed it on.
I eat my peas with honey.
I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny, but
It keeps them on the knife.
yes indeed jno, we were never allowed to use our forks the wrong way round and I have spent half my childhood trying to balance peas on it! We were never ever allowed to eat off the knife or lick it or lick the plate, were never allowed to hold the knife like a pen (although sometimes I do have to with my dupytren's contracture, can be so painful!) never allowed to sing at the table or leave before we had finsihed all our meal and asked permission.

Those were the days!!!

Hot here, have bought 2 wifi boosters and one doesn't work with windows 8, haven't tried the windows 7 one yet.
People in the middle flat at the back are having a party, I think they are all connected at least 3 of the flats (there are 4). Hija and I want to go round with a bottle and join in, but I do not like the techno music. It doesn't disturb us as they are in the building and not on their patio banging on my walls, by 'eck there would be trouble if that happens.
I always had to chase the peas around the plate with the tines of the fork too.We were never allowed to slurp and no elbows on the table either .
Lol Jno ..I always wash any bombs in the sink too :)
Go on Neti ,grab a bottle know you want to get down and boogie .
Hija and i did want to party but as we cannot be seen (only my back wall) she got on the roof to "sweep" in the hopes that they would see her and invite her, haha, but they didn´t.

oh yes defo no elbows until we saw Princess Elizabeth with one elbow on the table and tried it on at home, still wasn't allowed. And one could chew on a bone if one used only one hand and no elbows on table. Mum liked us chewing on bones as a black man once told her that's where he got his lovely teeth from.

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