Khandro - one last time ! I will walk wherever I want to walk on the pavement with or without my dog, that is my prerogative as a pedestrian, and unlike cyclists, I don't threaten other people or yell at them to get out of the 'bleep bleep' way. Pedestrians (both with kids or dogs) walk anywhere along the pavements because they are allowed to ! Cyclists are NOT, even though they do so because they are a nuisance and a law unto themselves (as the majority of posts on here contest to). I have no need whatsoever to 'train' my dog to walk at the side of the pavement, she is on her lead and a good, well behaved little dog to boot. She causes no problems whatsoever, unlike the lycra clad louts streaming along without a care in the world and expecting everybody to get out of their way ! Now if you are unable (or don't want) to process this, fair enough. I've had my say, am extremely happy with it and am now moving on. Cheerio !