Morning all...well I made it through the night but looking at my reflection it's hard to believe, I've got some impressive black circles today
lol neti, sorry it felt a bit like God's waiting room, haha...what are we like? We'll probably all still be here (moaning about the weather) long after this Ed has run screaming over the horizon and the hamsters have taken over.
Yes, I have mammo's (every 3 years I think it is) history of breast cancer. But, erm, smear tests....pass....I know, I know, dreadfully irresponsible....I was having them and then this fibro flared up one time when I was due so I cancelled....and never went back.
I was told I have an increased risk of leukemia in later's getting later now, eek! Let's not go down that road again, haha
Weather - dull, humid and showery. Underwear - scaffolding and maximum security bloomers.