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Why Might I Be Struggling For A Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:03 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Jobs & Education
27 Answers

I keep applying for jobs as I want to get out of selco as you know but I can't even get an interview



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Your CV

Your written English

Your applications

Try a CV consultancy to brush up your CV.

Are you with agencies, abbey?  

Abby, perhaps you are applying for the wrong jobs. It’s important to be honest with yourself about your skill sets. Have you considered agency work? If you are truly determined to find employment, there are opportunities available. Care homes are currently very short-staffed, and Christmas jobs will soon be on offer. Additionally, don’t hesitate to visit places where you might like to work and drop off a CV. Does the job centre still offer career advice?

Abbey, your recent job history is probably counting against you. Also, I think you should only apply for jobs that you have a realistic chance of doing, you have previously looked at things that were ... not really for you.

maybe you come across as unable to work things out for yourself and have a career plan.

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Yes was an agency that rung me other day about a job but wanted to me start straight away.

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If they ask why have I had all those jobs what do I say?

What happened to the one you were recently offered/not quite offered (depending on which post I read) where they wanted you to start immediately thus not allowing you to work your notice at Selco?

On a recent thread I suggested you need to  use the CV, cobvering letter and interview to show how your skills/competences, experience and personal qualities match the person specification for each vacancy, but I was told you by someone here that this advice was not necessary as you were very good at doing that and at getting interviews, so maybe I'm not the right person to advise.

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Yes I told them I had to give 2 weeks notice.

That's it during covid I was getting loads of interviews.

//If they ask why have I had all those jobs what do I say?//

Yes you need to have an answer ready. You need to think of something more positive than "the supervisor didn't like me" or "they kept cutting my hours". You could I suppose blame it on cost saving measures. But try to put a positive spin on it saying how you wanted to gain a range of experiences, which you have now done, and you are now clear about the sort of role you excel at and are seeking.

Well you could tell the truth or you could spin it.

I was trying to gain experience in a variety of roles to discover which suited me and my needs best.

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Maybe mention not enough hours in selco?

Why don't you go to the Job Centre to get help with your CV. You never know they might even have something on their books that would suit you

... and in the carehome. They may ask why you took those jobs then, so you'll need to think of a positive answer.

Maybe mention not enough hours in selco?

But you accepted the job knowing it was only 10 hours and gamblers on getting more.

Newmodarmy, I do believe you're referring to me... and that isn't what I said.   Abbey isn't looking at a high flying career and therefore your advice was unrealistic and your expectation far beyond abbey's capabilities.

Okay, so you think Abbie just needs to continue as she is now, Naomi? If so, I expect the results will be the same or worse than before unless she strikes lucky.

I didn't say that, newmodarmy.  I think she needs to look at factory/packing jobs - jobs she can cope with.  Some of the jobs she's started have been beyond her capabilities - which is probably why she wasn't in them for very long.  She needs to be realistic - as do we.

Abbey, saying there weren't enough hours going in Selco is... probably fair enough, but you'll have to have some sort of reason for the rapid turnover of jobs in the 18 months before that. 

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