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Why Might I Be Struggling For A Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:03 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Jobs & Education
23 Answers

I keep applying for jobs as I want to get out of selco as you know but I can't even get an interview



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I agree that she should be focusing on roles like that, Naomi- I never said anything about high flying jobs.... but IMO she still needs to prepare for any application and interview. She usually gets sent a job spec/person spec- she should use it to check she's suited and to prepare a case for her being shortlisted/offered the role.  Just winging it is not a good way of approaching an application or interview.

Abbey, seriously do ever ask the opinion of your parents ? They are surely the ones who will be honest with you and help . They also know your strengths and weaknesses .

With Christmas approaching many shops will be hiring temporary workers to meet increased demands. On your next day off why not go around town and see what's available BUT remember that you will probably not be able to chose the hours and days you work

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