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Why Might I Be Struggling For A Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:03 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Jobs & Education
213 Answers

I keep applying for jobs as I want to get out of selco as you know but I can't even get an interview



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Well, there's no point in making mountains out of molehills and worrying for nothing.

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No just get a full time job.

Hopefully something will turn up soon.  Are you contacting the agencies regularly?

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They send me jobs but want me to start next day.

Have you asked Selco if they'll let you go without working your notice? 

Abbey I asked you before if you are with the right agency. If they are asking you to start immediately they might be a "Temporary Agency" that have jobs to fill immediately for a short while and a full time employment agency

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No I haven't.

All agencies have different types.

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Naomi someone told me other day probably would have to work my 2 weeks.

Ask the Manager.  He must know you need more hours.

Abbey,having to start a job the very next day could work out well - but it also means you don't get very much time to learn anything about the firm, shop, whatever. 

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They got an overtime ban so won't give them to me.

are you seriously saying someone had to show you how to hold a cloth to clean, and that you've been doing it wrong previously? i dunno why no-one has told you before

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The  best way to do it 

tbh, youve answered your own question there then - youre strugging because the jobs you do are not in your skillset

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How he does it because they're reusable cloths and make them last longer.

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I live local to my job, is it a bad thing if I apply for a job further?

Why do you think it might be a bad thing? What do you mean by 'bad thing'?

Bad for you, bad for the employer, bad for the environment, bad for your family?

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For me like swapping a jon for one further

Abbey, you won't want to spend hours travelling to and from work five days a week, but you need to be realistic. You've not found a full-time job in the last couple of years, you've not found a job that you really like and/or do well in - so you'll need to be prepared to stretch yourself a bit. 

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