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Yes her hearing is bad and she was classified as "backward" when she was in primary school. She went onto a special school for children with learning difficulties. While she is not obviously mentally impaired, she is somewhat slow and doesn't have the same abilities as other people with hearing problems, for instance good reading and writing. She can spell reasonably well, but her written sentences and wording are often incoherrent.
Most of the jobs she's had, haven't lasted more than 6 weeks, as she is either asked to leave or she leaves because she feels people are talking about her or picking on her, making her do the tasks they don't want to do. I don't know if this is entirely true, but I often feel she is misunderstood, as she is very ashamed that she has deafness and often will not wear her hearing aid.
I know she isn't helping herself, but I also feel she isn't given much of a chance. It would be great if there were companies out there, that actively encourage and nurture disabled employees.