Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.
Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
Last June I was in a traffic jam on the M25 during the rush hour. It was stop/start never getting over 20mph. I braked to a halt when there was an almightly bang. Although I had stopeed, a white van...
My husband has an employment tribunal coming up this month for disability discrimination and constructive dismissal. Statements have been exchanged and we have received a letter from the other side...
I am divorced from my wife and I pay maintenance for my 18.5 yr old daughter who is registered at college but dosen't attend. I have asked the college for a progress report and they refuse me saying...
Hi, I have sent my tenant a section 8 notice to quit due to rent arrears of two months. I have sent it registered (or recorded) but she has to sign for it anyway and I can track where it is and when...
My Dad's work contract states that paid holidays must be 'earned' and if he hasn't worked the right amount of hours he can't have paid holidays. I thought paid holidays was a statutory right in Paid...
My daughter(she is 39) has been going out with this chap for a couple of years...it is a a terrible relationship...don`t know where to begin.will not go into details...will take forever!!! He is a...
Can you help please? http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Law/Question1226352.html This was the original question. Now things have changed. The daughter is going to move out of her property (nothing to do...
My soon to be ex husband is telling me he has legal rights over my daughter, is this true?? Even though he is not her biological father??
Can anyone help me with this...
I have been offered a new job that doesn't start for another 4 weeks. My current notice period is only 1 week, even though I have passed my probation and get paid monthly. As a gesture of good will I...
Hi everyone I hired a solicitor to help with financial matters/ancillary relief proceedings. Final hearing which was booked for one day,couldn’t conclude and DJ ordered another day of Final Hearing....
A colleague is an author who sells his books via a standard Amazon kindle contract. He owns the copyright but Amazon are the distributors and forward the proceeds having taken their cut. He now wishes...
What are the hidden costs that can be added on to the monthly letting fee for a house which five students plan to rent? I overheard on the radio the other day that Letting Agents do not have to belong...
Please could somebody assist in writing a letter to a company who has supplied and fitted something which hasn't lasted a reasonable length of time. I know it's to do with the Supply of Goods &...
well things are kicking of just as we expected. step father lin law has one blood son and they fell out about 13 years ago and never spoke since, before this f.i.l's will stated everything going to...
A friend of mine has been with her partner over 20 years and has 2 school age children. She told me she was moving out with kids to a rented flat because her partner told her everything was in his...
I would like some advice for my brother. His Son was born February 2003. He was never married to his ex partner but is on the birth certificate. He was horrified to learn he does not have parental...
I got a job in a care home in February & had to wait for a CRB check before I could start (which took 5 weeks to arrive). During that time I was offered another job which was more beneficial to me and...
I wonder if anyone can help with a property auction query. At an auction, without instruction from the seller, can the auctioneer bid up the price up to the reserve price when there are actually no...
My Daughter-in-law is currently on Maternity leave. She finished work at Christmas and is due back to work in October. Her Maternity Pay has been paid into her bank account each pay day since. This...