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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
215 Answers
Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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No don't know that name,but let me know how you get on! Will soon be heading off to my cool bed,from my cool living room,with the fan on full blast! Bliss!
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Thank you so much BelleG,thats exactly the thread I saw before,but I just didn't have the sense to look in the right place to find it! It really is spine-tingling to read all the posts,and discover how many people were feeling the same way,and had nobody to tell! Artful,this is just what you were looking for! I'll have a good read tomorrow myself!
You're welcome, lindapinda.  I knew about the thread because I am one of the people who posted there, several months ago.  Pete's death seems to have affected a lot of us who were young girls at the time.  A lot of us miss him stll.  You were absolutely correct in your original question...Pete did have something special. 

Still not yahooed Geoffrey Deuel but I really want to. Where, oh where! does the tempus fugit to?

Not ordered my duvet either, damn and rats! There's so much to do...

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And so little time! Hey never mind those work,shopping or household chores etc. just treat yourself and have a good wallow in the past------and then order that duvet!!

lindapinda perhaps you've seen - cat woman's arriving. There's massess of us fans, isn't there? I can't wait to read her post, but it was too long and she lost it! I can imagine her frustration.

I spent so much time looking at the Geoffrey Duel info today - again I was whacked by the resemblance. And I still haven't oredered my duvet! In the morning?

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No Artful,didn't see anything from Catwoman! It's great that so many of us all coming out of the woodwork! Looking forward too,to see what she has to say! I just love it when somebody takes the time to post something that interesting for all of us.Have yet not managed to get a good trawl through the site that BelleG found,but hopefully will tomorrow!------after i've had agood night's sleep under my nice cool duvet!

Hi lindapinda, " WOW" another Pete Duel fan like myself, I was told about this thread by Artful, I dont normally come on the Fim & TV Topics. I have read through all your answers and links and I must say that I have throughly enjoyed it.   I so much looked forward to watching Alias Smith & Jones before his death, I just loved everything about him, if I close my eye's I can still see those twinkly eye's, that cheeky dimply smile and that slightly turned up nose.

I can still remember the date & year, I was 16 in the house on my own when I heard it on the news, I was so shocked I couldn't take it in, I thought it was a wind-up! I burst into tears, I remember the cat I had at the time came over onto my lap, I was sobbing into her fur and she started licking me as if she was comforting me.

I will not believe for one second that he was guy, A part from family and friends who have passed away, he is the only actor which I have ever grieved over, I dont know if it was because I was young and impressionable, but I thought "WHY" when he had alot to live for, and what a waste of a young life.

Thank you for this thread and bringing back some poignant memories to me its been 34 years since his death and its amazing that he has people out there who haven't forgot him. Best Wishes  cat woman x  :-) 

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Hi catwoman!(got two of those myself b.t.y.)loved reading your post.It never ceases to amaze me,the way that pete affected so many people,who,although they never knew him,seemed to feel that they did somehow.I was 15 when I heard the news that lunchtime,and at the point I was too stunned to even cry.It wasn't until midnight that it hit me,and the reality of how awful it was.Like you say,he's the only person other than family or friends,who I actually grieved for,and whose death affected me in a big way.You should take a look at the other sites mentioned in this thread.It's comforting almost,to understand now,that at a time many of us felt so alone,we know now we weren't.Plus,there's lots of gorgeous pics of pete to see! Be still my beating heart!!

I've been so wrapped up in memories that I've been negligent, lindapinda. As you were posting at night-time I took it forgranted that you only got to use Internet at night. Talk about dense, it was only when I read your post last night and you talked about hearing the news at lunchtime - everything went click - you"re in the States so you were getting it all first, first hand! I first heard about it on New Year's Eve evening when I was babysitting for neighbours and all 3 kids were abed. I rang my parents to see if I'd heard correctly and from then on in it was the worst year I ever saw in! Like cat woman I was 16.

BTW, yesterday was a good day for me - yes! I ordered my summer duvet, Mr Dodger is putting it in the post on his way to work!

Hi  lindapinda and artful and catwoman isn't this fabulous, we can post messages to each other and no one says, "was he the blonde one or the one who shot himself?".

Have any of you ever been anywhere and had to write a comment or message, like in a conservation place or something, and written, "Pete Duel would have been proud", or just dropped his name into a conversation about TV and actors and realised how many people still remember him?  I think it is our mission in life so let's keep the fire burning.

Cheers to all


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You are correct that I only post at night Artful! However,it's nothing to do with time difference! I'm at home during the day,and I deliberately avoid using the computer until evening,cos I'd never get anything else done! I must be strong!! Actually live in Northern Ireland,and I remember they used to give a news bulletin at the end of lunchtime before the t.v.was closed down for the afternoon.The news about Pete was given at the end,almost as an afterthought.When I heard the announcer say"and in Holywood,the actor Pete Duel was found"I thought they were going to say in possession of drugs,and I was thinking about how my parents would not be impressed.When he then said "found dead",everything just seemed to stop.It was one line on a news item,but to me the world had changed. Your'e dead right Dothawkes,I often think that Pete would be glad that his lifestyle had influenced others about how they feel about this planet and how they act accordingly.On a lighter note,before the videos had been released,I asked a very young assistant in a store,if by any chance there were any videos of the t.v.series Alias Smith and Jones" available? She looked totally blank,and said "No, I don't think so,but we've got Alas Smith and Jones if that's any good?"I could have screamed!!

Ha, lindapinda, I have often heard that. There's nothing you can say, is there?

Yes, Dothawkes, and perhaps that's why he touched us so much and why he is lasting. I've never been in a situation like you suggest but I am always surpised at how often he comes to mind.

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Artful or Catwoman,hope you might read this.It's a real shame what's happened.Nowadays unfortunately,the f word is considered acceptable language it seems in normal circumstances,where previously a less antagonistic attitude could have brought an arguement to a better conclusion.There's so much being said now,that I don't want to add to it.Hope we can still all communicate!
Hi lindapinda, I've just seen your last post as I was browseing through my profile and came across your message.   I'm so very sorry to hear that Artful has left AB, just when I was just getting to know her, I will truely miss her.  I agree with you 100%  ( I personally have never liked un-nessessary bad language from either sex ) but that is todays society for you, our future generation!  I was brought up to respect myself and other people, and I have always spoken to and treated people how I would like to be spoken to and treated, I always thought you'd couldn't go wrong with that out look! Sadly not everyone thinks like that, as you say, there is alot has and been said, I'm just so sad with the out come of it all.  My Best Wishes to you, hope to hear from you again. Bye or now  cat woman xxx  :-)

Hello people,

Sorry to intrude on your thread, but I am in email contact with Artful and she has asked me to post a message to you all.  I will copy and paste her message here for you and she will check the thread to see if/when you reply. 


lindapinda, cat woman sad to have left without warning you but having seen how the nastiness continues I'm just sad not to have been able to keep in contact with certain ABers - the pair of you and bruce of course, I don't forget angel1978 who has gone very quiet in B&S after results of important medical tests plus jno and acw. Gosh what a group! Anyway I promised to tell you lindapinda: MY DUVET ARRIVED TODAY!!!! Also today is my father's funeral and I sent a letter over the Channel to be cremated with him and one thing I ask him is if he could keep an eye out for a cheery bod checking on Nature and probably the Ozone! Ok, take sare, kids and enjoy the summer!

There you go gang.  Hope that made some sense to you!! :-)

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acw,you're a wee star! Its terrible the lengths we have to go to,when the AB turns nasty! Artful,I'm delighted to hear from you! I was really surprised to see how vicious everything became,and to say that some of the comments were too personal,is putting it mildly.I can fully understand why you left.I'm sorry to hear about your father,but I thought that was a lovely thought in the letter! It made me smile when I read that!! I'm actually going to be seeing my friend tomorrow,who also has the 21.07 birthday,is called linda,and is a big Pete fan. Haven't been talking to her for a while,and I was going to tell her about all the Pete chats here.She'll be so interested! Hope the duvet lives up to my reccomendation! Look after yourself babes,and thanks for getting back in touch.Good old acw! Talk to you again sometime!xx

Hi Lindapinda,

I am confused completely about the last few posts and I am a little lost.


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Unfortunately dot,artful decided to leave Ab very quickly,cos a thread she was in ,degenerated into her being told to"f..k off" and called "the witch from grenoble"! What is wrong with people?That is all too personal,and not what I expected from this site. My husband and neice though,say that apparently it is far worse on other sites! Its horrible that it happened at such a bad time for her,with her dad dying(as I know you know,and myself also) but what a lovely little comment she included about pete in the letter for him.Its such a shame that our great thread here has suffered cos of other people's behaviour.

Thanks for the explanation lindapinda, I log on here to take me away from all the stress of selling posh shoes to women with crooked toes and bunyans,(?), not to feel intimidated or undermined , it is mostly enjoyable to be able to chat with like minded people, especially those who have lived through alot of the same times.

P.S. I think it amazing that you love The Searchers, we played the slow theme after 'The Big Country' and 'She Wore A Yellow Ribbon' as Dad was carried from Church.  What is your favourite scene(s)?  Mine are when Natalie Wood runs down the sand hill behind them, and at the end when he stands framed in the doorway, which I understand was a tribute to the actor who had just died, who's wife played the Aunt.  Also, when my Dad went to Monument Valley in 1998, he had his photo taken in just the same way looking out across the valley.  It is very moving to look at it now.

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