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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
215 Answers
Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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Ta very much, Just cos i really, really, really hate her?
This thread is now unofficially re-named The Hole In The Wall, and as we are being accused of making up gangs!!!!!!!!!Wey hey, can I be Butch Cassidy (in name only) welcome to the Hole In The Wall Gang!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo hoo - I've never been in a gang!

Do we get to have a secret password and handshake??



Where did all the posts go? There were ninety something here a little while ago...

Hi John, this thread is top secret, but we can trust you to keep mum, it's the only place we can let off some frustration and not get cyber insulted.  I just wish Lou could find a way in.  When linda gets back from cat and dog sitting she will be dead surprised.   :-)

Hi cat, I have tried to be selective with this, we are all sworn to secrecy and we are now in the hole in the wall gang.........
Hopefully Lou will be here in a minute!
I'm with you now guys........brilliant idea

OK BIG problem, guys:

If you click on Film and TV, and then choose to sort the threads by most recently answered, this is top of the list!

Be careful what you say!!!

LOL.  I have to admit, as someone who is not a regular here (only found it by googling Pete Duel a while back) that I have absolutely NO idea what you are all talking about but I have to think that Pete would be tickled to be bringing you all together here to air your feelings! 

Wow what an explosion of posts! What will lindapinda say? And just to think that Pete Duel brought us all together over the months!
A big hi and hug to lindapinda (when you get back), to Dot Hawkes, to, of course, the lovely cat woman and then Belle.G whose posts I have been reading with great great interest.

Apparently the vile beast has got a "stalker" now, i wonder if he's as imaginary as her "boyfriend", still, at least you seem to be in the good books estie :O)

I'm absolutely shattered writing this btw...but just thought I'd put a final did brill tonight, got your point across, made up with you.

Dot, Estie, Cat, and yer loads......Can't wait for our Linda to be with us.XX

Anyone mind if I gatecrash this thread?  Just wanted to say hello, and I hold a lot of what you say close to my heart!  Most of you will know who I am, and that I stand side by side with cw.  And anyone who dosen't like the latest model of Rolls Royce ;-) is a friend of mine.
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Hi guys!! Just on here in library before it closes.Am gobsmacked and DELIGHTED!! by all this!! Won't be back home till saturday. I take it foxy.fagin,you're my old mate lookin for a summer duvet!! I'll look in here again tomorrow hopefully,if library open.  I just love the Devil's Hole Gang!!! Cheers.

That's me sweetheart but would you believe we had such a louzy summer it never came out of its packing case and is now away in a cupbard until next summer!!

Great to speak to lindapinda, I felt so sad just looking in and being all of an incapacitated and because of such a... Oh forget it, I'm here now!

I know this thread has become something more than a place to remember Pete but I'm having a bad day, listening to sad country music, and crying for things that might have been so I've come back just to say how much I still miss him sometimes. 

That's I'll just go back to my own dismal thoughts for a while.

Love you, Pete 

HI lindapinda, I thought you would be chuffed to bit's when you next came on line, I hope the cat and dog are behaving and not giving you the run around, ha! ha! xx  :-)

I'm really, really pleased to see Lou has found us at last' alsoooooo Foxy_Fagin! yippeeeeee! you have been missed, a warm welcome back, I hope you'r here to "STAY".  xxxxxxx LOL cat woman  :-)

Belle.G darlin', don't be dismal. We all know that life is too short - what's done is done, what's gone is gone and regrets do nobody any good.
Remember all the tremendous photos of Pete with his great big boyish grin. Don't be sad, please; no-one wants you to be sad.

Bises, xxx

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