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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
215 Answers
Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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Me too cat woman, I've been leaving you and brucie boy messages alll over the place. Don't you get updates on your threads these days? I certainly do hope I'm here to stay, for a while anyway!
Bisous xxx

Thanks for your support bez, without you, dot and med the other night, i don't think i could've carried out my vicious attack the other night. :O)
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catwoman,answer this and I can tell you who our friend is!!

LOL I knew you'd be here Linda!
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Yeh!! It works!! Hope catwoman gets here tomorrow!! Btw,estie,do you know our pete,our hero,who has this site?
I don't, but my Dad told me he was an actor in the 60s/70s who committed suicide?
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Google him babes,he's just about the best person you'll ever hear about!! So drop dead gorgeous,but apart from that,such a decent person,loved animals and other people with a passion.He was one of those people who was just too good for this world!!

Will do!

I'm finally off for tonight - see you later!!! xx

Hi Linda, estie, cat, dot, john, wish I was on here earlier, just got in from a night out, I'm shattered btw, but couldn't resist. Linda, great to see you back, I've missed ye girl. Now Linda, ye know who this is don't eh...Did you ever read that Helen Forrester book I told you about????

Hi linda, foxy.fagin,estie, dot, john, Blimey I bet our Pete is sitting grinning to himself right now, if he only realised that he has brought some many people together in friendship ( silly me! he probably does!.... ) We have a new person on this thread is it who I think it is?.......... xxx   :-)

Hi foxy.fagin, Bruce and I meant every word we posted for you last night.  xxx   :-)

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Oh yes I know who you are bez!! Knew it last night,when I saw your name from one of your earlier posts!! Well,at least you have that name change you wanted all along!!....Glad to be back,but house is about to get really messy,cos we're getting new windows and front door from tomorrow.......I don't do mess and hassle don't you know!!! ..Dreading it!!....Great to talk to you again babesxxx
every time u post on here u need to answer 3 film and tv Q to push it back down the most recently answered list!
lindapinda, leaving me in anticiiiiiiiiiiPpppation (Rocky Horror another favourite of mine - Tim Curry in his suspenders...yes, please!) - why would I have been watching Misomer yesterday? (It's called Barnarby over here.) We watched him yesterday lunchtime but it'd have nothing to do with what you're getting. And tell us, 3 or 4 weeks ago Troy disappeared and there is now an uncomfy whatsit called Scot(t) - what happened to lovely Troy - he was such a love.
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Sorry for takin so long to get back to you fagin,it's been a bad week,for numerous reasons,but things have hopefully righted themselves now!! As regards midsomer!! Got my 24 hour clock mixed up,when I saw your last post!! The time was 9 something (in the morning of course),I was watching midsomer here at 21 something...stupid or what!! Good old troy got a promotion,replaced by scott,who,just when you were getting used to him,has now been replaced as well!! Oh dear! Never imagined that it would have a change of name like that,understand why,but it loses the "romance" of the title somewhat! See there's a new film  of your namesake?

Okay, lindapinda - just been and related all that to Bernard and now he wants to know "But what about Barnaby's daughter - wasn't Troy beginning to make headway with her at one point?" Can't remember if I told you - in French Scott and Troy have both been dubbed by the same bloke - so they look different but sound the same!

Seen Polanski's got a version coming out so I'm looking forward to seeing that but all I know is Ben Kinsley is in it and I s'pose he's playing Fagin - bit too old for Oliver and not butch enough for Bill Sykes, methinks!

Sorry to hear life has been trying - I know you were having PC problems and a new door fitted (or was it windows?). Anyway new week beginning and hope it's sunny your way like it is mine!

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Yes, Cully and Troy were starting to get connected,but you never really heard anymore about it. She seemed to be heading in Scott's direction too! However that fell by the wayside too!! The latest sidekick,is the fella who played Warren in This Life. Now thats just weird,having one voice,for two different actors! Must remember to tell my husband that one!  Yes,he's playing Fagin,still remember being quite obsessed with the musical film version,and of course Jack Wild! He's in a pretty bad way now,did you know? He lost all his vocal chords to cancer,and can only speak via one of those voice boxes. He and Mark Lester are still great friends apparently.

Hi linda and foxy.fagin, I have been reading your post's to each other, I was going to mention about the new verion or 'Oliver' I saw it advertised at our local cinema, and thought of you straight away, ' foxy.fagin'. I dont know whether to go and see it because I love the original and might be disapointed, it's hard to think that some one else is acting Jack Wild part!  There was a program on TV late the other night about child actors and what had become of them, Jack was on, he is in a sorry state he couldn't utter one word ' how sad' he had a woman with him to translate of what he was trying to say.   Cancer is the most evil of conditions and isn't predjudicious to whom it attacks.

Sorry to hear that you are having some trouble' linda' in different area's of your life, PC problems must be a pain in the bum when you are trying to contact people,  is the work finished in your home, it's the mess and upheaval I hate it seems to go on for ever. 

I will pop in here now and again for another look and see and a quick chat, Love to you both, take care, God Bless  xxx   :-)

Hi linda, I had no idea Jack Wild was so ill, I was mad on him when I was 13, my year went to watch the film as we were doing Oliver Twist in English and we used to do all the sondg routines at break. It is Ruby/Dak lovefest on CB tonight and I am so bored with it

Yeah, it's dreadful about Jack Wild, Dot. I said on a number of threads how I'd been madly in love with him. Used to compose (and send) love letters to him on the gym steps at school. Cor he was lovely! I recko my husband must be the only French person to know who Jack Wild is! He comes into the kitchen to hear "Consider Yourself" and says, "Not again!" (actually not speaking a word of English, it's Pas encore!!)

My father sent me a tape he made of Jack Wild on TV just after Xmas but my VHS isn't working so I've not been ablr to watch it....YET!

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Hi dot and fagin! I loved Jack Wild too,that cheeky wee face,and I loved the fact that he was small and cute! I remember Consider Yourself and Oom Pa Pa being blasted out a lot! I think its amazing that we all liked the same person once again!!...Btw,fagin,heard from Bez last night,that it's dot's birthday on the 31st!! ,and she'll be away in Cancun for it!! Lucky you dot!!

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