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Tears Of A Nation .......

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Ann | 20:59 Mon 20th Jan 2014 | Film, Media & TV
61 Answers
Of Corrie lovers!!

Story line although handled sensitively is a bit irresponsible I thought, just hope there are no copy cat ......

Poor Roy :(


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My mother died from pancreatic cancer, a horrible way to die, so I back Hayley all the way.
Thank you chrissa, I'm, sorry you ran out of time :o( Just put my vote in for Roy.
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Ah sorry to read that Neti and Mazie - it must have been extra hard for you to watch tonight, my thoughts are with you both x
Yes it was spoiled with Carla bursting in the scene with Hayley and Roy was peaceful and should have been left like that.
I thought Carla spoiled the final scene too, it should have ended with just Roy and Hayley lying there.
Thanks Anne but no it didn't affect me in that way at all, and yes Caribeing, I agree with you.
Surely, it was written like that so that the storyline could be developed through the eyes of Carla and Anna.
It was the arrogance and insensitivity of the two.
They might not have known what Hayley was up to but they did know hoe seriously I'll she was
My sister died recently with ovarian cancer and cried out in pain for medication to see her lying peacefully like Hayley would have eased our pain!
Especially when Anna had been so sensitive
Thank you Ann xx
Severe pain and feeling hopeless scares me a lot but I wouldn't have a clue how to end it all in this way. I would probably get it wrong and make things worse.
Just wondered how Hayley knew the correct dosage to take to ensure death.
Really sorry for your loss Caribeing. I do hope you are managing to deal with it. xxx
I actually think it was done really well and that Hayley (yes, I know it's not real) was very brave.
I am sure you can find out what and how much, but personally I was going to go to Switzerland when I didn't know if it was an option I needed to consider. Not pain but a gradual loss of abilities, and I knew I couldn't handle that. As with Roy, my other half was totally against such an idea, but when you have to face it, it makes a lot of sense. They really should legalize it.
Postdog, I was faced with such a situation last summer and promised to sort something out. Had no ideas of the how's and not sure if I could actually have done it but thankfully I didn't have to.
I agree Postdog.
I thought it was handled with the utmost sensitivity and i, too, believe that if anyone out there has made up their minds to do likewise, they will not use a work of fiction as a type of sounding board.

I also believe BAFTAs are on their way to Julie Hesmondhalgh and David Nielson. Brilliant acting by the pair right the way through this storyline.
I was most impressed with the sensitivity and dignity in which this storyline was carried out and I was very impressed with the acting

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