Well ummm-'its a boob, what's so offensive about it?
If a guy got his dick out in a restaurant would you say'oh, its a dick, what's so offensive about that? Its just a body part!LOL Yes boobs are part of a woman's body but the reason a lot of people find it embarrassing in a restaurant is because women are exposing them in a restaurant. I agree with Sammy, I breastfed my babies for 9 months and I never had to do it in public. We were all encouraged to breastfeed and 'breast is best' etc, but I still think its a bonding intimate private moment and you should only do it in public if really necessary and then discreetly. I was always very milky and used to leak the other side (sorry tmi) but it was all a little messy and preferred doing it in private. You can work your social life around it, feed the baby and then go out for a few hours. Simples. I don't think I ever went to a restaurant with my babies in case they cried.BTW I really hate a crying baby whilst dining-really spoils it! I can see both sides of the argument and I think people make a big fuss over nothing, but equally I think these women should respect others.