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Davina Mccall

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andy-hughes | 17:40 Fri 29th Dec 2017 | Film, Media & TV
101 Answers
Did anyone see the half-page piece about Ms. McCall in the Mail?

The Mail is somewhat unhealthily obsessed with women it sees as 'toned' or 'ripped', it's online sidebar features dozens of them every day -

so it was thrilled to show a large picture of Ms McCall in a bikini showing her 'toned abs' blah blah blah.

The 'news piece' concerned Ms McCall's weepy social media message about 'lonliness' over Christmas and her fans' concern for her well-being.

So why does the Mail devote a half-page of its newspaper to a shouty TV presenter who looks like a nylon bag full of spanners? Because (and it mentions it of course!) she has a new exercise DVD on release that day!!!

We really do get the media we deserve.


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I thought she looked anorexic. Not a pretty site, poor soul.
who looks like a nylon bag full of spanners?

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You've put the wrong link up Mr Adonis.
That link goes to a story about a 79 year old vicar...
think Davina looks ill ! too too scrawny thin
Thanks mamya x
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The link is just to the DM online site - if you glance to the sidebar on the right, you will see the sort of nonsense about female physiques that the paper dribbles on about - it's nothing to do with the main headline story.
We really do get the media we deserve.

Then don't read it ... you deserve better.
She seems healthy and happy enough.
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Talbot - // Then don't read it ... you deserve better. //

You're right - I do!!
I only read the mail when someone puts up a mail link.

I also deserve better, being a man of discerning taste... anyway, have to go as Hollyoaks is back on.
Can't understand why she hasn't had her nose done.
*Baths stands back ready for hail of abuse*
Lol :-). The Mail looks like a celebrity magazine aimed at teenage boys.
Daveen had a crazy mother - who left her in a night club at one point in order to erm you know kiss a stranger elsewhere - who forgot to tell her than her grand dad was a Paris Police Chief who founded les Brigades du Tigre
( French SAS and bashers of heads ) ze Tigre was Clememceau by the way and not the grand dad

Daveen was on "Who do you fink you are den?" and went into the Paris Police museum and said "My daddy on de wall - what he doin dere den?" - unkind but true. jesus her mother was more out of it
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Bathsheba - // Can't understand why she hasn't had her nose done. //

I think that part of the downside of fame and celebrity is constantly seeing images of yourself plastered all over the media.

Most of us have a physical aspect that we would consider changing, and in the case of famous people, they eonconter the twin drivers of corrective surgery - the pressure of maintaining an 'image', coupled with the necessary finances to undertake procedures designed to enhance the image the individual wants, or to correct something that has fed their insecurity since their teens.

As for Ms. McCall - she may believe that her rigorous exercise regime gives her a physique to be envied - and opinion is divided on that one, but she is obviously happy with her features, and sees no need to have them surgically altered.
You let yourself down sometimes, Andy.
she;s not by any chance "flaunting" something is she?
I hate it when people post links to The Mail and/or The Express...absolute tripe.

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