It's a bit of a toss up as to who is the more irritating character - Helen has always been a sanctimonious twit, but perhaps the dreadful Horrobin woman wins by a short stickybeak though?
If he is dead, then you are probably right - unless she goes completely to pieces, is sectioned and disappears into a secure facility for the forseeable future (which might happen in real life, but makes failrly poor radio).
There is a whole new can of worms to be opened about why an abused wife who kills her abuser will probably get the sympathy of a court/jury, but an abused husband in a similar situation would go straight to jail without passing Go ...
Helen should get 6 months just for being an irritating moo.
When she shouted out recently, in front of Pat (and others??) I hate him and did she shout I'll kill him?? I did think oh that'll come in useful in a murder trial.
I hope Rob's not going to suddenly groan and lunge at her, mainly for poor Henry's sake.
Mr Titchener was found face-down in a bowl of custard with a single stab-wound when police were called on Sunday evening. Sources confirmed that the custard had been freshly made and was not “that dreadful stuff out of a tin”.
The remains of a tuna bake have been taken away for analysis.
it's pathetic acting, this is not the Archers.....Christ - when they say East Enders, at least they do assault and murder a little more professionally. Seriously awful and it's damaging the image of a cherished home institution.
God bless BBC iPlayer, makes Disneyland queues tolerable, the theme tune causes a few raised eyebrows! Can anyone prove he did all the devilish things?
I think if you dig back far enough there are witnesses to his violent and nasty behaviour, for example the assault on the hunt saboteur witnessed by Shula - who unfortunately lied to the police about it at the time ...
The police in this case seem particularly lame and there's no real explanation as to why Helen is "no commenting" everything. The storyline's gone downhill.
Pat and Tony finally seem to be putting things together, too late now, they should have realised all along. Peggy isn't helping. Maybe Henry will end up being Helen's best defence.