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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
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When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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this is the best cheer-up I can offer, Robinia - cracks me up every time
tinks, this is a bit belated since your dance thread last night, but here's Rita Hayworth dancing to the Bee Gees - a lovely bit of editing and absolutely gorgeous dancing!
whoops, sorry, that was meant for tinkerbell and her dance thread; biddies have seen it already
Good morning Everybiddy. Dull and wet again here so I'm really cheered up by the dancing and duck soup Jno. Hope you are too Robi.
I would just like to be able to cut my grass but no chance yet.
I'm off to another Sainsburys today at the other side of Derby to meet one of the people I worked with all the time I was at the other Branch. We have always kept in touch but she is a very busy lady with husband and family and work so we only meet up now and again. Then this afto it's hair trim, eye brows plucked (by hairdresser) and then as much tennis as I can fit in.
I hope you all have a good day and all aches and pains are kept to a minimum.
I've got a minor complaint and would be happy to receive any advice. Now when I wake up in the morning I have really misty eyes and can't see properly until I've rinsed them with cold water. It feels like I have something in them not an itch though and they're not sore but definitely something that I'm not used to. If it's just old age then OK I'll go with it!!! Any ideas please?

See yer later 'gater(s)
oh, I read that as saying you were getting an Afro hair trim, Jude...

It turned out OH misled me a bit about the concert - the Straits (as they now are minus Knopfler) were just the first half, but very good. The real thing was Status Quo, who I'm not that interested in (loud music makes my head hurt), though they are very prefessional and all that.

So now I've been to a Status Quo gig. I hope my grandchildren never find out. The shame!

On the plus side, it didn't rain apart from a brief drizzle, and we managed to get in quickly and sit under a tree, so that wasn't too bad.

Anyway, now I'm sitting in waiting for a phone call from the BFI to explain why they've stuffed my password up on their website so I can't book any film tickets. They seldom answer their phones and I only got through twice - once a woman who put me through to a department that was no longer there, and once to a recorded message, but they haven't called me back. Grrr, and me a member for 35 years.
good morning all. We are chugging along here. dogs kipping, me drinking coffee same old same old.
Jude i get the gluey eyes, i had put it down to allergy type thingies.
lol jno the headbanger. I used to like the Quo but i think their most recent release is a bit bandwaggonny and yes I like to hear them recorded so i can control the volume.
I do like the Beachboys new one though
Haven't I been on here yet, tut! too many thngs to cope with today. Up at none frying sausage and chips for hija's lunch.

Went out and left the hosue unlocked (eh jude??) for 2½ hrs but luckily all ok, unless there s someone in my bed and I haven't checked that yet!

Woofy I love and adore the Beach Boys esp Brian! love all they do!
Mike Love is a prat!!!
Ha, ha jno. I must admit I quite like the Quo for about two numbers and then it becomes completely monotonous - and they only play about four chords in total. Good fun if you have had a few!!!

I am actually not keen on the new Beachboys one Woofie. It just sounds very drab to me and 'same old' Pleasant though.

I am sucking throat sweets one after another in an effort to keep my throat and voice box lubricated. They taste foul!!!!
Morning Jude and Neti!!
Morning all...loved all your cheer up videos and comments thanks ('specially the 'a penis'...hahaha). The pigeon one is brilliant woofy, jno actually posted that one for a long time ago, probably while you weren't with us.

The poem's brilliant shaney, didn't we have a poetry corner home once?
my effort's far less upmarket than Andrew L W....

(to the tune of I'm a Barbie girl)
I'm a soggy girl, in the soggy world,
Life in plastic,
ain't fantastic!
I can't brush my hair, frizzy everywhere
Condensation, damp and desolation...

Hope the wimbledon roof doesn't leak & there's some tennis this afternoon. :)
re the eyes eyes are so dry sometimes they hurt, I really must add it to the list and mention it to the doc next time I go. I use that spray you can use with your eyes closed, it really works. It's a tad expensive but you don't have to discard it after 28 days. Cheapest eye drops is hypromellose, ask for it in pharmacies.
I went to the pharmacy to get some of that eye spray Robi - £15.00. The pharmacist talked me out of it and sold me some hayfever eye drops for a couple of quid. However, he wrote me out a solution for eyes like ours (yes I suffer too). It takes about 5 minutes morning and night and I haven't properly tried it yet, but he assures me it really works and is better than anything he can sell me.

Each morning splash your eyes 20 times with hot water (not boiling obviously)
Then follow 20 times with cold water.

I presume your eyes should be open - I must ask him.

He recommended a bowl of hot water for the hot water splashes.

Do the same every evening.

Apparently, it washes out any debris, keeps the tear ducts healthy and gives you bright eyes.
Thanks Robi I think I will nip to the Pharmacy later on this afto [ not affro Jno :) ]
Neti did you read what my son said about my keys. For other Biddies I couldn't find my car keys yesterday and eventually after looking all over for them I found them on the grass by my car (02 focus) They'd been there all night. Anyway I put it on face Book and my son said 'Mum if you left the keys in the car and the engine running it would still be there in the morning" Thanks son!! was my reply.

I'm home again now for my lunch and them off to the hairdressers.

Weather is brightening up but for how long is anybody's guess.

Laters 'gaters
That solution's ok Lottie if you want to feel your way to the bathroom with your eyes half closed when you wake up, I prefer to reach out and have a quick spray. My optimist was on offer, £9.99, and I've had it for months, I don't over use it and one squirt per eye is enough (assuming I don't miss and squirt my ear'ole, haha)...£2-3 for drops that you have to throw away works out more expensive.
oooh, here come Roger Federer, now he cheers me up no he really only 30? Oh dear, shame on me.
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Hello chums
Beautiful warm sunny day here .Went into town to the market .Big mistake Packed to the gunnels with grockles who have no idea where they are going or why they are going there .They should all be herded onto the beach on a day like this so that I can find somewhere to sit down and eat my chips !
Hope you are all ok though and also have nice weather .
I'm a bleary biddy of a morning too .I've been bleary for years though:)
We finally went out today. I hit my favourite craft shop while they snoozed in the car then we all had some lunch and came home.....all in the rain.
Thanks Lottie I'm going to try the hot/cold water cure cos £15 is a lot of money if that works just as well.
I've actually got my grass at the back cut in between the rain showers. My Flymo just whipped across it PDQ and the edges were that damp a soft they were a doddle to trim. I've also done my ironing while the telly was on so I'm pleased with my efforts today cos I can be wuite lazy when Wimbledon is on.

Ok I'm off now. Have a goodnight Biddyfriends. See yer later 'gater(s)
Oight oight all...we had chips and jam doughnuts for tea.

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Whitechapel tonight

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