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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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I just shampooed my carpet (Rab's tum...mopped at the time but needed real cleaning) I shampooed it 4 times before the water drew through you think I should be doing more cleaning?
PS, said carpet is several shades brighter now....
Waiting for my nice waitrose man to turn up.
lol Lottie, yes that's me, except i don't wander around in the nuddy, I live on a bus route. :)

It's been a lovely day here too and I've been pottering in and out, the garden's starting to look like a tropical rain forest.
Is it just me and my mood or does anyone else have no interest in the olympics whatsoever? And if two small boys can grab the torch ....?
Me too Robi, haven't had any interest since we got awarded apart from the comedy series about it which was hilarious.
My sister phoned last week and started the conversation with 'Is it me....?'...I knew what she was going to say :o)
My tele keeps telling me I'll need to do a retune if I want all the games on red button...I'd like to know if I can retune so I never hear it mentioned again.
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I don't mind them although it plays havoc with the teevee schedules .No doubt Mr S will be glued :)
I like the swimming and diving .
well, I'm going to the Olympics, so there. I shall even walk through Westfield, gang fights permitting. But I am not going to climb that mangled sculpture.

If you want to know which events I am going to see, click the red button.
jno go and enjoy! I think its Seb Coe that's getting on my clack.
Absolutely no interest whatsoever in the Olympics I am afraid, but then I am not very interested in sport either. (Except F1, and I like watching ice skating)

Have just been for a lovely walk down by the river with Mr LL and Meggie. Such a beautiful evening. Mr LL has been sent to get a Cantonese takeaway as I can't be ar*** to cook.

An early oightoight from me xx
Can't stand Seb Coe. Never have liked the little twerp!!
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Mr S has very little in the way of things he can go and do these days and hardly goes anywhere too far from home so I don't begrudge him his sport on the teevee .
Goodnight .
I know Shaney.....
Dogs galloped miles this morning. I though Rab might be having troubles again as he got me up early to go into the garden but he just needed to chase something. We have shared toast and the boys are now sleeping. I am dozing on the settee today as I have a new camera being delivered from Amazon and it will need signing for...sometimes the man gets here at 8am and I don't want to miss him.
I hope nobiddy is being flooded out today, especially in East Angular, where I gather there's going to be rain.

It was actually sunny for hours here yesterday, but of course the weather forecasts were all predicting rain regardless. Do they have no shame?

I don't know if it's the "heat" but my ankles have suddenly started swelling up in the evenings. It hasn't happened before. I may try wearing flight socks, which will look good with the swimsuit.
Good morning Biddyfriends. Have started the eye bathing process Lottie. They cleared very quickly this morning so I'll do it again tonight and hope it begins to get better. Have got my appointment to see the Eye Specialist with regards to my Cataracts. Hpefully they'll be done soon.

It's persisting here and has been since I got up. So glad I managed to get my grass cut. I did it at breakneck speed between showers the other day.

I'm away in a bit for the weekend so I'll be back soon. Looking forward to the tennis later today. I really hope Murray gets through. I think he really has worked hard preparing, physically, mentally and technically.

I'm quite looking forward to the Olympics. I like the athletics and I am looking forward to that young diver we have. I can't remember his name but I'd like to see him do well for his Dad who helped him in his training but passed away before he could see him at these Olympics.

Have a good weekend all of you, aches and pains allowing. Take care and I'll see yer later 'gate(s)
Greetings from Derby-sur-Mer...well it soon will be...

jno my hands and ankles have started swelling in the evenings and it's a relatively new thing for me too. P'raps we're just waterlogged.

Enjoy your weekend Jude...Tom Daley's the diver (oh, I do pay attention to sport sometimes).
I know sport brings enjoyment to a lot of people, my brother loved the footy, but even if you don't have cable everyone has freeview channels don't they? One of those could be exclusively sport (even the tennis) and everybody's happy. And one channel could be exclusively Clive Owen tv & films...and I'd be very happy. :)
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Greetings from Norfolk- sur -Mer aussi ...
Its all very merde too ! Persisting down .
Lol ..Robinia they couldn't do that with the teevee channels .It would be far too complicated for them :)
I've just caught up up with The Secret History of our Streets .It was Reverdy Road .What a gem of a programme .
Nothing doing here really unless you're a duck .
Ah yes Jno wear your socks and put your legs up if you can .My gammy leg has become gammier lately .Foot on the floor and bring your toes up and back keeping your heel on the ground .Repeat ten times as often as possible especially whilst sitting .
I take cheques ...thank you .......
Matron shaney, I'm turning my toes up as I ty.....
good advice, shaney, I have put Dire Straits on and am sitting here tapping my toes over-vigorously.

You get a shiver in the dark
It's raining in the park
just wrote a long post and it disappeared!!!

Basically was driving around Ibiza last night as hija was looking for a rent a car which didn't penalise 100€ for returning with gas in the tank, and she only wants it for a few days and will never use a whole tankful, we found one, but then I had to drive home in the dark, not a thing I enjoy but managed OK.

Mr N has finished his hard work and is just doing one or two small jobs a day, and then he goes to golf thank heavens, can't stand him under my feet all the time.

So hot but can't be ar**** to have a swim.

Made putanesca pasta for dinner!
Shaney, my 71yr old friend who also has a "tap" had to fly to England last week cos his dad died, and he managed well until all the bros and sisters were in a restaurant and suddenly he was drenched in pee, shirt, trousers, everything, he was mortified. But he had a party last Sat and wore pale clothes and not a slip although we kept teasing him!!
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Poor chap .It's so embarrassing. Mr S doesn't have his tap anymore but he's still runs back and forth .He can't hang on for long .Yesterday I went to Morrisons lateish . I phoned and he came down with the shopping trolley once I got to the checkout .It's not even a ten minute walk from us to Morrisons. Before I had a chance to put me purse in me bag he was gone and racing up the road like Road Runner ! .

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