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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Ooooh, just looked at the BBC weather page and the hot spot today was F............, Norfolk !!! I thought it was rather warm.

Chips and jam doughnuts - how healthy!!. I have been eating all sorts of rubbish today. Am feeling better today and my chest/throat seems to be slowly clearing. Have cut an overgrown shrub right back and then left Mr LL to clear up the mess I made, claiming extreme tiredness.

Enjoy your eye splashes Jude. It's a bit of a chore but if it works it will be worth it.

I am off to bed shortly.

Oighty oight oight x
Jude I suddenly remembered that the eye splashes are 20 hot, 20 cold then REPEAT, twice a day, i.e. 160 splashes per day!!
............... and I just remembered too that the pharmacist said the hot water increases the circulation to the eyes and the cold water refreshes and the whole process is really good for the eyes in general.
Good morning...we went OUT!! it was like a sauna out there but the dogs have had a good run around and are now flaked. poor Shughy was getting a bit stir crazy but I couldn't leave Rab and he was in no condition to go out, plus neither was I after being up all night for 3 nights. Anyway all sorted now touching wood and we just shared the last two doughnuts for an early breakfast cos I came back starving. I have OJ with it so that's a bit healthy?
Well done. I must admit Meggie has been minus her walks for 4 days because the rape fields around us are soggy and muddy and Mr LL has been very busy on his Percy Thrower patch!! It's muggy here this morning. Don't know whether F.......... is going to be the UK hot spot again today. Funnily enough the Olympic flame went through F.............. yesteday - perhaps that was what put the temp up a few degrees!!!! ;o)

Have to go to F............... this afternoon because chimney sweep is coming to son's house before the chimney liner goes down for the wood burner................ it's all go!
Oh, I nearly forgot - Good Morning Biddies.
Morning biddies, hi lottie, you sound better.

I have already done 2 washes, and roasted a chicken and am back in bed waiting to go to zumba, having tidied the house!

Have to take hija to airport tonight as she is meeting a friend!! She is giving up the flat next week, she gets half her rent back and they get to trent it out for more money in August, worked out well. Which means I'll be going there every morning to pack up and lug it all back on the bus, as there is absolutely no parking spaces there!
F..... sounds as if it's somewhere really rude

Sun shining here but it won't last. Deluges expected oop north today too.
It sounds even more rude in real life jno!!! Fak...................... Apparently over 10,000 turned out yesterday which is more than the population of the town - the flocked in from the villages. I was pruning my bush.............

Morning Neti.
Morning all, bright eyed or bog eyed...I had to go to the loo with one eye closed at 5am this morning :)
Well, the sun's out and I can see blue sky, I must be dreaming.
One eyed Robi in the morning

Try again,r:9,s:0,i:101

Its sunny here too and my hair is just like that troll. I have been causing trouble in news and giving good advice in body and wearing darlings.....
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Causing trouble Woofy ? That's unlike you :)
Morning all
Another warm sunny day here ( says she as the sun goes in ) .
Nothing doing at Shaneytowers .Same old .
I know Shaney...I am a misunderstood person.
Its cleaning catchup day today and I dowanna
oh well, if you want to cause trouble all you have to do is say you don't agree with public disembowelling for paedophiles (or you do agree with it for Thatcher). Politely spelling out your argument doesn't make any difference. They're easily riled in News and it's quite fun to try when you've got nothing better to do.

The sun is still shining but I'm still not fooled. All the same, I think I will go shopping, if only to avoid PC-induced DVT.
I know....all I did was pointed out that a daily Express front page story was old news....1934 old to be precise....... I mean that's not just a bit old is it? Thats historically old.
ah, you'll be taking some ABers back to their teenage years, then.
well they certainly behaved like it!
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Phew ..Scorchio here .Good turnout in Norwich for the torch .Then it was here early this morning in town but of course us poorer peasants over the river blinked and missed it as hurtled down the by pass ..

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