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Corrie - Ministry of silly walks?

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Robinia | 23:13 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | TV
506 Answers
In the street scene at the start of Corrie tonight was it just me or did anyone else notice that Gail was bobbing up & down as though she'd lost the heel from one of her shoes? or maybe she was walking with one foot in the gutter like you did when you were little? It just looked so funny to me.
And why does Deirdre always stride out around their tiny house with her arms swinging as though she's on a brisk 5 mile hike?
No insults from soap haters please...I know I should get out more :o)



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he he pickle lovely to have you back! xxx

For kit my computer is playing up so am leaving a message here for you in case I cannot access my email - when we arrive I'll phone you, and hubby seems quite happy to meet with you aswell!! You look lovely, and I still look like a peasant!!!
Robi forgot to tell you on Sat, when you saw that big spider, the very same day, there was a striped biting one on my washing line, of course I won the battle, which shows an improvement as before the hypnotism I would have left home!!
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<whoops Pickle's in the street...... hides chs on tst & nips off to find nice lacey doileys & make cucumber sandwiches >

great to have you with us again Pickle! love the space ditty...made me feel at home, least you've woken neti up, I'm lucky to get a grunt from her some days...and that's only when she's got wind.

Know what you mean mrs s we've all got wind here...think it's hurricane Deanette...I thought of you when I was just sorting my kitchen cupboard

must curb my BOGOF-ing

oh Dolly, so sorry you're having a bad time, best wishes to your son & daughter, hope she 's soon recovered. I would say it never rains but it pours, but doesn't seem to be appropriate in light of your drought. Keep your chin up. x

well done spiderwoman have you packed plenty of smellies?

strewth, if the Swedes have dodgy drains
this lot should clear 'em

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by the way, Vinny the vac attach chap just had to be a midlander didn't he? I'd never have heard the last if he was from Derby....
did I ever mention the incident with my first washer...? :o)
Hi there Dolly didn't mean to ignore you. What a bad time you are having. Hope all straightens out and the future gets brighter. Big hug x
Hi All
Sorry to hear things aren't so good for you Dolly thinking about you and hope all gets better for you soon. Have a good trip Neti look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
Pickle Loved the song - going to send it to my 2 ladies that I Iunch with.
Had a laugh today reading all your posts after doing a bit of dashing about during the day. Went to sort out Polly who decided she was staying out for ages so I had to sit and read the paper and watch that Jeremy thingy rubbish, well I didn't have to watch did I it was just there so I did!! Went to town and got my old mobile Phone sorted for a fiver they put me a new sim card in and gave me �5 credit and I've just had a message to tell me that they have put another �1 on. Then what did I do - I sat at the bus stop messing about with it and locked it up so when I got home I had to ring Orange to give me P.U.K number to get me back on again. What a plonker I am. Anyway I'm going to have a cuppa and watch a bit of telly now.
Hope you all have a good night, :o)
jude hope you didn't have the same trouble with Orange that I did when in England. I bought my nephew a cheap Orange mobile as I was concerned with him driving around without one, and I had to get it activated. I tried for several hours to get through to them but there was always a queue, so I got up at 7.30 and called them . Well they were in Delhi and I could not understand one word, finally it was agreed that I was settled and just as they were ringing off I realised they had not given me a number, so I screamed down the phone and luckily I caught him in time. I complained to the Orange shop and they said that they had had many complaints and wasn't it ridiculous, and then proceeded to "top-up" a wrong number, which meant I had to trail back the next day. Give me Spanish Movistar anyday!!
Gosh phones ..I have a mobile phone ..I have had two text messages on it since last year and have phoned someone once ! I think I put ten quid on it a couple of years ago and I've still got nine pound fifty !!
Nice to see you again IAP ..hope you are well and happy .Don't' leave us again or I shall confiscate the Branston in the abscence of PanYan.
Poor Dolly ..hope things soon look better for you ..keep your chin up .
When are you orf to wow the swedes ; the russians and most of northern europe Neti ? Have a good time if you are gone before I get back but please don't send us any meatballs .Give Kit a hug from me .
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ooh I love my mobi...I can wander round the shops all day with it against my ear & no one notices I'm talking to myself.
Mobile Phones!!! I'm a bit fed up again today with them. I have a contract on one for �22.50 a month where I get 300 texts and 150 minutes free and then this other old one in case of emergencies and yesterday I had to wait in for a new one to come cos the original one wouldn't accept my memory card. What a performance and now I'm having bluudy trouble with Blue Tooth again and England have just lost a Friendly to Germany so I'm off to have me Horlicks and Bed. Good night All xx :o)
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haha, I'd love to sneak into someone's garden & leave one of those Jno...speaking of sneaking around in the wee small hours, I've spotted you putting your rubbish into other people's bins, you bad biddy! :o)...gets a bit scary in news these days doesn't it? low flying flip-flops everywhere.
Actually I can't open my kitchen window as a garden spider's woven a web right across it (outside)...he's hanging tight in the breeze but all he seems to have for lunch so far is a dandelion 'fairy'

well I think I should go & stare at the garden (I do a lot of that) to see what needs to be done....

it's a jungle out there

Hi all. Dolly I'm so sorry to hear how ill you've been and to learn of the misfortunes of your son and your daughter. A friend of mine has macular degeneration so I know what you're saying there.

Hi Pickle I'm Kit. I've seen you on the AB a long time ago, we were on the same thread and you mentioned you had a friend in Drottningholm. this is me

Robinia I'm positively hiring a guy to delete your meatball stash the next time you leave your puta unattended for a few minutes: my guy

Don't anybody believe Neti when she says she looks like a peasant. From the photo she sent me I can tell you that she's elegant, has great posture, wears bespoke yet unpretentious clothes and radiates dignity. (Can't get my head around that last one. It's... it's Photoshop, right?)

Oh that wretched mr Blackner. Can't help but thinking what would you say at the A&E if you found yourself in a situation like that with a vacuum cleaner and you weren't hired by a circus, i.e. had no excuse... "But Nurse... the amount of dust this dongle has been gathering lately..."

bespoke yet unpretentious II

bespoke yet unpretentious III

Shaney don't use the Neti as a hug courier, she'll only misplace it somewhere along the way. why wait

robinia are you okay in there?
Hi folks, I have been busy writing my car off and borrowing my sons. Now I have got a new one. (Car not son.)

Vinny have you heard this one. This guy saw this lovely girl called Cleer Le who was Chinese and went off his regular girlfriend called Lorraine. He finished with her and now says I can see Cleer Le now Lorraine has gone. Ugh!!! Sorry.
Hi Maggie, long time no see. Glad you decided to keep your son this time. remember the last time you lost him ?

Logging out now, bye all.
Whooops - I've obviously sent the wrong photo to >b>kit just wait until she sees me!!!
well, well, what do you know, it is cool and damp. Surely this is unusual for August?
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♫ ♫oh what a beautiful morning,
oh what a beautiful day,
I've got a wonderful feeling,
everything's going my way

haha I love that pic it always makes me smile...

sorry jno but it's glorious here...

back in a bit...

whoosh > > > >
Beautiful morning?
Where ? Point me in it's direction, I'll get a ticket now.
It's the same old story here ,dull dreary and drizzling.

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