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Corrie - Ministry of silly walks?

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Robinia | 23:13 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | TV
506 Answers
In the street scene at the start of Corrie tonight was it just me or did anyone else notice that Gail was bobbing up & down as though she'd lost the heel from one of her shoes? or maybe she was walking with one foot in the gutter like you did when you were little? It just looked so funny to me.
And why does Deirdre always stride out around their tiny house with her arms swinging as though she's on a brisk 5 mile hike?
No insults from soap haters please...I know I should get out more :o)



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well I never... the sun is shining... so this is what living in the Sahara must be like... ra3er.jpg
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morning few....lovely again.... no not you lot, I meant the weather. I checked out the Norfolk webcams before I came in, didn't want that Grumpy of Gorleston hitting me with her brolly again...looks nice there today shinyshaney.

I knew there'd have to be a catch with Pickle...never trust a man who shows up unexpectedly...
there, have it all...tut

bit dry are we jno?

well, don't think you're dumping that lot in my bin

Hello little weather elves
I am a Happy of Gorleston today as the sun is shining ! And about time too !
Do you think Pickle will accept Luncheon Vouchers ?
They are dated 1957 but I'm sure they must still be valid at Lyons Corner House .

Aaaw ..shiny shaney ..that's what my old neighbour used to call him as his coat was coal black and glossy .
Yesterday afternoon I met a fellow dog walker .He's an elderly man and a widower and he had just had to say goodbye to his old friend. Poor old chap was in tears .Of course I'm nearly in tears in sympathy with him ! Awful for him though as the dog was his only company .
Oooh ... I think I'll go and make a coffee ..see you all later ..enjoy the weather !
Possums. She's left, then? Last night the teve weather man said, dramatically: Tomorrow Summer dies. But I guess Summer wasn't watching. It's still hot and humid, not very enjoyable actually. So what do I do, purchase one of these or hire a handy man...? Want to keep Neti happy... daren't not to...

Did you yourself recognize those snow-clad houses you posted, jno, they're in Old Town and I remember you said you'd been there. When was that? I've checked M�rten Trotzig's Alley for a plaque commemorating the time when you got yourself stuck there but I haven't found one so far. Tut! (I'm learning, aren't I.)

I know where Vinny is, Robinia, and he isn't thinking about us one bit.

All those pet names, Shaney... about a year after my cat died I started wondering how many different names I had had for her - I think it must have been somewhere between fifty and a hundred... Thought about writing them down but I never did.
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can someone hold onto the washer for me while I eat my brd & jm please? I'm a bit late with it today but there wasn't a spare rock to be had down the river so I've had to put a bob in the meter...the one that Pickle dropped as he scuttled back to his counting house.

glad you've got shum shun shaney...I don't know anyone who hasn't lost a pet & they all have fond tales to tell. Charlie, amongst unrepeatable others, is 'spud', tripehound, furball, fuzzyface & stinko..haha. I'd like to say he answers to all but ignores all is more accurate.

hi Kit yep I expect he's people watching (that's what he calls it) down on Wooly beach
I keep telling him to keep his socks on with his sandals

looks like neti's leggings have arrived

I had a couple for Shaney ..namely ...Schnucklemuckle and Pipsalinabumsqueak ..also he was called the Cheezehund and Yoggadogga at times as he loved cheese and yoghurt
Yes .....I know ..I am completely off my rocker I
Nice to see you Kit ..try and keep Neti in order please !
Keep her on the straight and narrow and avoid any shops that sell leggings or carpet cleaners .
"Hold on to the washer" - does that mean you have the same kind of washing machine I do, Robinia...? Anyone speaking to me on the phone is familiar with me suddenly shouting "Wait!" and throwing the phone down to go intercept the machine before it wanders off downtown like some confused elderly citizen... / Those feet, I'm surprised you could post them, you with your foot phobia, ha ha!

Shaney I don't think me and Neti will be getting ourselves into a whole lot of trouble, we'll just have a drink and talk about the rest of yous - he he he - and I've decided not to dress up or anything, keep it simple you know.

Gotta sign off now. Bye all.
Good... morning? ...all?

Vinny where are you. Come on back to your bitches, the pound seems so empty without you. woof!

Robinia I sent your piccy to Paul Young and he was very excited about it, speechless, in fact. I did a good thing, right?

I'm at the internet cafe to get down to business with my endless photo files. Will check in here once more before I leave and I expect that dawg to be back when I do.

oh dear, neti and kit together... is Stockholm ready for this? s/image0028_28A.jpg

well, it is a lovely warm day here (at last) and I can see the sun on the cathedral as I peer out my office window... but I'd better goet on with my work...
Ha ha jno that was funny! Hope Neti sees it. May I add I do the same whenever I google for biddy likenesses - simply use the search word "straightjacket". (Though not for you of course jno ha ha.)

Gotta go. Bye.
Hiya...sorry I havent been bitches..
me heads bin killing me....its a long story...but years ago..I was attacked by a dog...and lost half me nose....and they done a flap on my forehead...and that part is very thin...they could have filled the bu66er in..but I should have worn a hat...and if the sun gets to it...I suffer fer a few days...only this time its bin worse...blimey...I havent even had a drink....but will try tonight..coz its bank holiday tomorrow...bu66er the hang over...I might post the piccy one day....but you would all past out...later dudes...!
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a'noon me dears
now I am paranoid - you can all see me can't you? I really do pull that 'parrot face' Kit hahaha...guaranteed to make any child under..... erm, 99... chuckle when they won't smile for the camera. So I'll be a sure thing with Paul then, yes, you did an excellent fact, send it to Clive Owen too can never have too much hunkness.

oooh, Vinny poor you, I've every sympathy with bad heads.....& I'd been checking out the Woolywebcam thinking you'd be surfing on ya ironing & shaney will make you a, really, it's no bother. Hope you feel better soon. x
Just be glad that neti's away or she'd have your head nestled in her ample bazooms & you'd be anaesthetised by the whiff of mothballs.

actually I'm not too good myself today, my innards are aching & I've been asleep for most of it..... I'm having what I call a 'chicken soup day'.....
I blame the sunny weather, we'd forgotten how to cope with it.... :o)
Yo..good Mornin...
isnt it lovely again....!
still a bit fuzzy headed...and I didnt have any of that fallin down water either... I see the suns got to them in derby..yo Im off to have some breakys,then im going to sit on the roof and read a book..the lady next door thinks im mad..hehe..!
Hope the spanish lady hasnt got arrested in sweden....(:O)
now can be my pussycat doll anytime..yummy (((*_*))) piccy I mentioned was an old one of me after my accident.....not a pretty site...I later dudes>>>
Well make sure you put a hat on today Vinny ...Glad you are feeling better.
Lovely here too but a bit hazy at the moment ... ..
Enjoy the Bank Holiday .
Thanks have a lovely day to...erm..can I pass on the hat...Ive got me reputation to think about yer know...I just thought I havent got one...hehe..!(:O)
where's them hairy girls frum up north then hahahaha...
nice to see pickle back...
it seems so nice and quiet in ere today...cant think there anybody missing?(:O)
Morning All on another lovely day. Thanks Vincent for the photo. I know I'm a funny shape but not that bad I hope!
Had a great day yesterday at Lude Farm in Buckinghamshire. We (2 sisters and brother) met a cousin we hadn't seen for about 30 years. They had a garden party and when we started off we had pink champagne and 'orses douvers' (can't spell it) then later on we had roast pig and apple sauce and stuffing. then a choice of desserts at least 5 types of cheesecake and loads of different ice cream and sorbets and fresh fruit then to top it all cheese and biccies. They had a barn converted into a big bar and snug. and outside there were tables and chairs and sunshades. I know I'm going on but I had never been there before and was amazed. They had a croquet lawn, tennis court, badminton court, boules range, large outdoor chess, draughts and connect four set, indoor swimming pool, and the a field at the back arranged for clay pigeon shooting. On the way home we all safely assumed that they are millionaires. My side of the family had a game of croquet with their side and I'm sorry to say we lost. We also found our oldent living relative who we discovered has lived not ten miles away from us for years and years.The last time she saw us my older sister and me were in a pram LOL. Anyway I hope I haven't bored you all too much and that you are all ok.
Have a good time Neti give my regards to Kit and gives us all the gen when you come back. :o)
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Well Neti and Kit are probably stuffing meatballs and Aquavit . Jude may possibly have run off with a gardener or decorator ..and I expect Dimmock of Derby is dithering in the delphiniums .As for the others ..I saw this dubious looking lot this morning !
Ooops .. Jude hasn't run away after all ..she's been hob nobbing ! Sounds like a good time was had by all !
The food sounds nice ..and here's me making do with a Bath Bun ! My son has finally vacated the premises after spending his week off here and Mr S is away until tomorrow so I am enjoying the peace and quiet without constant tea and snack making .! And I actually have the kitchen table clear and all to myself !
It's bloomin' well clouded up here now ...typical ...

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