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Corrie - Ministry of silly walks?

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Robinia | 23:13 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | TV
506 Answers
In the street scene at the start of Corrie tonight was it just me or did anyone else notice that Gail was bobbing up & down as though she'd lost the heel from one of her shoes? or maybe she was walking with one foot in the gutter like you did when you were little? It just looked so funny to me.
And why does Deirdre always stride out around their tiny house with her arms swinging as though she's on a brisk 5 mile hike?
No insults from soap haters please...I know I should get out more :o)



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Vincent, you take the mick out of grockles (lol) & you ask me to put the kettle on? I've only just arrived...tut...nip round to Minnie's she'll make you a brew....
just tell her you're a mate of Sonny Jim's
Is that Kit's friend? lend me your specs....

ooooh! either these are x-ray gizmos or jno's wandering round in the nuddy....and so many tattoos, who'd have thought it....

Hey there biddies, am just in the lobby of a posh hotel in Tallinn, so thought Id just pop in, cannot find all the apostrophes etc so therell be nnone. Kit was lovely, Stockholm is lovely but will tell all when back home. I,ll be back on the 8th so hang on for me sweeties! xxx
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just finding the @ key is a triumph, took me 5 minutes on a Slovenian keyboard to locate it. Actually, just finding Tallinn is a triumph.
There's a Tall inn round ere to....its a bu66er gettin down the stairs when youve had a few..(:O)
Possums! the meeting with La Neti and her husband... It was lovely! It felt slightly unreal that we were actually going to meet up but once we did I for one felt we had known each other forever and I really enjoyed our afternoon together. Unfortunately, their first day in Stockholm was also our first autumn day, but Wednesday was a little bit better than Tuesday had been. Neti hadn't brought any sensible clothes (show of hands, how many of you are surprised) and consequently had had to do some clothes shopping, who could blame her.

We spent a couple of hours nursing a coffee in the cocktail lounge of a restaurant I think Neti may want to tell you about herself. Mr N would get a vacant look in his eyes every now and again as Neti and I went on and on and on about the history of the AB, but whenever I had the ambition to tell them something about Stockholm he was quick enough to fill in the gaps when I couldn't find the right English words � he already knew all the facts! He had been paying great attention during the sightseeing tours, you see, whereas Neti hadn't been listening at all (show of hands, how ma- ...okay, just asking! No need to bite my head off, Neti!)

When something got them excited Neti and Mr N spoke almost in chorus in the sweetest way and they just generally struck me as a couple who were truly enjoying each other's company, safe and secure but very "unbored".

(continued below)

Neti had brought me a nice kitchen towel/small table-cloth with an amusing, artsy-craftsy map of Ibiza, including their little village. Myself, I had decided that our afternoon in August was in fact a cold December day (knowing how much Neti longs for the Nordic winter), so I had brought her a couple of Christmas pressies. One of our Christmas traditions is to write clever little rhymes for every present, as a clue, and force the recipient to guess what it is, squeezing it, shaking it, or whatever it is that they have to do to guess. Ideally, the recipient should fail, but when they see what the present is and re-read the verse they should feel that they should have been able to guess. I'll show you what I mean; this was the first verse, for a small, wrapped bag with round thingies in it:

When hell freezes over Neti will go
Meanwhile DaSwede gonna deal her da snow

That was for fudge rolled into balls and covered in white glaze to make them look like snowballs. Couldn't believe my luck when I found those in a tourist-minded shop in Old Town, thought of Neti immediately of course! (But who could possibly have guessed that such candy even existed, I know I couldn't.)

For the second pressie I had printed out in colour the picture jno posted here a couple of days ago, of "Kit" and "Neti" in straightjackets. (Giving you the credit for that, of course, jno.) The accompanying rhyme was:

Straightjacket Kit is my name and I knit'em
I go mad halfway through
And I quit'em

/...these are as far as I got on your straightjacket...

That one was even more impossible to guess, as I had cheated a bit and used a box that didn't really allow you to feel the softness of the contents, he he. (I wasn't thinking.)

(continued below)


They were wrist-warmers I had knitted myself from the lovely alpaca wool I'm so addicted to. Don't know when Neti will ever find the use for them but I thought it might be nice for her to at least be able to make believe that it's cold outside.

Neti asked me to send you her love and to tell you all that she is younger. Full stop. I had to ask her younger than what, exactly, and she replied in netistyle: Younger than they think that I am! she is, you know

Their previous stop had been Copenhagen and they're now going on to Estonia (oh they're there now), Finland and Russia.

Phew! Da-da-dat's it, folks! Come back next year, Neti! I'm not scared! Not much!

lol at Robinia's impostor meeting - I thought you'd already done the maths on your abacus one time before! Yes I suspect I may be the youngest but youngest doesn't mean young and I also suspect you yourself Robi are not far behind me - based on some musical clue I've forgotten the details of - number one on the charts the year you were born, was it. I do feel like a biddy... health ain't great... and that is a flattering picture - it doesn't show my teeth, it doesn't show my multiple chins, it doesn't show my "hamster pouches", it doesn't show my serious... erm... portly...ness... iow it doesn't look like me and so I love that piccy, how sad is that.

That kitten was so lovely. Trusting, relaxed and interested. Don't know how I managed not to finish the job and eat her completely, he he.

Must go, bye now!

This really is The End! No it is!
neti dressed for Scandinavian weather.... sounds like you had a good time, Kit... .jpg
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what's cookin'? I think it just might be the hippy baking a veggie humble pie...hahahaha...
I'll give him pay attention.... it is you Kit - so sorry I'd forgotten about the guess my age game - & very lovely you are too...& unless that's a lynx there's no way you're portly, so just stoppit! Poor Mr n having to listen to you two rambling on about about the ole that was erm......what did you have for tea, what's your favourite colour, what do you call your ........? and I hope you remembered to say lol & tip your head sideways when you smiled. It sounds like a fair exchange of pressies, you should see some of the things I've received in the post....holey hairnets from Norfolk, leggings that are still leg shaped (you can even see where the veins were) from Spain, hairy spiders in jiffy bags from Devon....whatever happened to fudge?....and a snowman's nose from the old ed when she left...

oh booger she made me promise not to tell
Yummy..yummy....chomp...chomp....Help yerselfs......hehe...puts a spider in robinia's slice.!Okay...Are hold me hand up...(((*_*)))*,,|, (:O)
legs it>>>>>>
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you're being very cheeky today bleachy...(how long before you scare us with that pic?....hehe)

I'd prefer this slice please, with a dollop of whipped cream
Id prefer this slice..with sum whipped.....cream...yowser yowser yowser...!
yo (:O)
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haha, she looks as though she's whipping fleas jno, must have been pre-flit

now since when, Vincent, was that trollop in Humble Pie? do stick with the plot
have a pie, sweetie
Yes please jno....but bin the tache first not that Kinky..hehe..!
Ooops sorry Patricia(:O)
GOOD MORNING!!!! bloomin capilockys were on..sowwy...
Its a lovelly day out there...erm...okay im lying..its still dark..(:O)
Id like me toast nice and burnt when I get back from work please....catch you later>>>>yo skin brother(:O)
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tut.... charming.....

that done enough for you is it Vincent??!!

where's mrs s?...last time I saw her she was swilling gin & swallowing jumping beans...
wow, that must have been a breakfast to strike terror into the heart, Robinia, my computer refuses to show it to me
Evening Peaches..
"Trollops"R"US ere....! have you all had a good looks good fer next week..
catch you laters when Ive had a lemonade or 3...think me golden browns arrived...yo..(:O)
.anybody know the derby score?>>>>>whoosh>>

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