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I Got Told To Eff Off In Waitrose's Car Park This Afternoon.

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ladybirder | 21:29 Sat 11th Oct 2014 | Motoring
48 Answers
WAITROSE!! Honestly what is the world coming too?

I politely pointed out to him that he was going the wrong way up a one way parking lane. If I hadn't braked quickly he would have hit me and he was in a massive old 4X4. Bet he wouldn't have sworn if I had been a big bloke like him. Ignorant pig, I'm still cross that he was so rude to me.

No question, just a rant.


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I know , I always think that when people are unpleasant , I think what would your mother say about the way you are behaving!
22:05 Sat 11th Oct 2014
It's quite common in my local Tesco's in Bishops Stortford for people to be coming the 'wrong' way, in fact it seems to be a bit of a free-for-all with people doing all sorts of daft things. The one that really annoys me is where they bump across the parking bays from one lane to another - it just seems to be that people just don't give a damn about any 'rules' and selfishly think they can do as they like.

In the past I've told people they are going the wrong way - in a wanting to be helpful way - and been met with complete incredulity that someone should tell them they're in the wrong and some abuse.

I've now decided that 'giving advice' to others is not worth it, so I'm now prepared for whatever idiotic thing they might be doing and just ignore it with a bit of a withering resigned look.

Incidentally, I think Waitrose offering free coffee in their stores is the stupidest gimmick ever - my local Waitrose is only small and to have the foyer area crowded with freeloaders puts me right off.
A couple of xmases ago I was with my sister (she was driving) in a multi storey carpark looking for a space. Suddenly a large vehicle coming towards us screeched to a halt some way ahead of us. A very angry woman proceeded to scream, shout and wave her arms "One Way!!! One way!!!" We let her carry on for about 3 minutes, thinking (and hoping) she might explode at any moment, until it must finally have dawned on her that SHE was the one in the wrong. lol
On my last visit to the daughter I entered a small car to me....when a cyclist coming towards me started gesticulating and mouthing rude words....

When I asked why he told me I was going the wrong way....I looked and pointed out that there were no markings or arrows....not even any lanes....

I know....he yelled....but there used to be!
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Mick I wouldn't call them freeloaders, except those who have more than one. It's Waitrose's way of saying thank you to their loyal customers but I can see it would be annoying if they are clogging up the store. Are they being asked to show their cards?
Robinia, did you get an apology?
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You should have known gness:-) TUT!
No ladybirder, I swear she left tyre marks, couldn't get away fast enough. She wound up the window, put her head down and sped past us, obviously still going the wrong way... :)
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How funny, I wonder if she told her friends what she'd done.
You had the last laugh anyway Robinia.
Yes we have to show our cards to get the freebies, but then we have to show storecards etc when paying in other stores. That doesn't cause any delay at all.

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