Body & Soul1 min ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
William Browder paints an astonishing and chilling first-hand picture of the man. This Ted talk is well worth a quarter of an hour of your time:
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=BT2 54smRuf A...
Scottish council elections 2022: SNP finishes as biggest party The SNP has again finished as the biggest party in the Scottish council elections - with Labour finishing second after the Conservatives...
"Labour has cancelled an event for Monday in which Sir Keir was due to give a speech and take questions from journalists ahead of Tuesday's Queen's Speech. The Institute for Government think tank,...
in the 1999 mid term elections Labour lost 1239 seats and 32 councils https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/1999_ United_ Kingdom _local_ electio ns 2022 Toryies have lost around 500 seats and 11 councils. which...
https:/ / /news/e ntertai nment-a rts-613 72712
loved Minder and the Sweeney....
Interesting, scrolling through this informative article among the few adult males who would be exempt are 'members of parliament' :0)...
Richi Sunak is to launch a taxpayers Fraud Squad to crack down on criminals who rip the tax payer off .He has set £25 million to one side for this Think he had better start with Boris's Crony Club....
https:/ / /news/a v/world -europe -613733 49
Don’t you think Ukraine has suffered enough already?...
In a massive hammer Blow The Cons lost out Yesterday. Westminster, always Tory ..Now Labour. Barnet , Always Tory ...Now Labour........And Wandsworth , which has always been known as The Jewel in the...
Not musical though;
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/worl d/16063 25/russ ian-shi p-sunk- ukraine -neptun e-missi le-odes sa-blac k-sea-A dmiral- Makarov -vladim ir-puti n...
https:/ / /news/u k-polit ics-613 47764
looks like the Lib Non Dems and indeed the greens increased their share of the vote....
OK , Thats the local elections over . Now can we have the Sue Gray report and The Met police report on Johnsons behavior during Covid Lockdown made Public. You know ... those reports that were held...
It appears that the Home Office has redeployed their brightest and best to northern parts where, assisted by fearless Police Scotland operatives, a ragbag crowd of women and sundry unemployables...
Lets hope the ex-chief of the CPS gets justice!
https:/ / eguardi uk-news /2022/m ay/06/k eir-sta rmer-fa ces-pol ice-inv estigat ion-ove r-lockd own-bre ach-cla ims-bee r?CMP=S hare_An droidAp p_Other ...
Against what is supposed to be the worst Government in history, mid term, post crises, Labour's gains outside London are described as, "Modest". OK they won a bauble but that won't get you through the...
https:/ /news.s story/f rom-the -red-wa ll-to-b rexit-t he-stor y-of-th e-elect ion-so- far-in- charts- 1260625 8 Page down and see the graph, surely if Labour cannot even get the North on side! Oh Dear I...
Hopefully the drubbing they received yesterday spurs them into action. Net zero, hundreds crossing the Channel daily, rising inflation, highest taxes for yonks rising interest rates and unaffordable...
For the Tory party today, as the local elections are taking place. The pound tumbles to it's lowest rate since june 2020. Also it looks very very likely that the Boris is driving his little red bus...
Why should we pay for his upkeep ?https:/ /uk.yah news/bo ris-bec ker-cou ld-face -deport ation-1 3410947 8.html...
https:/ / /news/u k-engla nd-lond on-6133 2465
Who appoints and regulates the parole board if not govenment?...