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Paris...this Is Getting Scary!.

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Bravehearted | 01:00 Sat 14th Nov 2015 | Current Affairs
107 Answers
Just the start. Watch your back with all the migrants flooding Europe from Africa and the usual suspects.


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/ex-colonical muslims. / still colonical it seems Gromit :-)
// You trust them if you like, but don’t expect everyone else to. They scare the hell out of me. //

They said the same about the Jew.
Gromit, 'They' did - but not for the same reasons. Comparing Jews to these people is an insult to Jews everywhere.
And comparing all muslims to the terrorists who perpetrated the latest atrocity is an insult to all muslims.
Good! Perhaps that will encourage the rest of them to speak out - but don't hold your breath.
It doesn't need to be the migrants Gromit, but some precautions are simply sensible ones to reduce risk. Personally I believe whoever is directly responsible will have been encouraged and possibly supplied from groups and their activity in present world trouble spots. These groups must be dealt with to cut off this fanatical behaviour closer to home. It may not be sufficient in itself but IMO it is necessary.
I know it is a cliché but this is the tip of the iceberg. These terrorists will have had a support group within a sympathetic (to them) society of mainly muslims.
// whoever is directly responsible will have been encouraged and possibly supplied from groups and their activity in present world trouble spots. //

Which is why we must eradicate ISIS in Syria and Iraq first. Waiting for them to attack our streets and shooting a couple of them won't work. For those we shoot, there will be replacements. We must stop the recruiters and their leaders in Syria. Without their leaders, the enemy within will have no one to die for.
//Without their leaders, the enemy within will have no one to die for. //

Their leader is Allah, and the enemy within has been dying for him since long before we ever heard of ISIS.
I don't think the 7/7 had a sympathetic support group of muslim society. They worked mostly in secret (as terrorist must do) and their friends and local community were surprised by their actions.
Gromit, you are naïve.
No I am not.
To believe that every muslim is a terrorist waiting to happen is absurd.
Your Prime Minister has accepted some refugees, and we are going to have to comply. You do not have to joyfully embrace them. But don't be scared of them because of their religion.
Most accounts do back that up, Naomi24.
yeah I mean no
isnt it a pity they arent Chinese terrorists - because then you could tell them by the way their eyes ......

Muslims are as horrified as anyone else
same scenario with Engish RCs and the IRA - even tho some irish priests were giving support

Gromit, //don't be scared of them because of their religion. //

That is the very reason you should be wary of them.
//Muslims are as horrified as anyone else //

their collective silence is deafening
Well I'm scared.

//same scenario with Engish RCs and the IRA ////

No, it isn't. Islam cannot be compared to any other religion on the planet.
Well I wasn't scared when the IRA was bombing the mainland (may have felt differently if I lived in NI but I hope not). I don't think many were. Whatever the carnage the chances of being involved are extremely slim. No point in being scared now either. If your time is up, it's up. Not going to change lifestyle because of terrorists; take whatever precautions the government suggests and "stay calm & carry on".
PP....I'm sure you are aware that there are just 6 counties in NI and it wasn't just Roman Catholics.... can you compare that to Islam?

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