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Paris...this Is Getting Scary!.

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Bravehearted | 01:00 Sat 14th Nov 2015 | Current Affairs
107 Answers
Just the start. Watch your back with all the migrants flooding Europe from Africa and the usual suspects.


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Isn't it just, Ael...x
The IRA were not fighting on behalf of catholicism; I once went to a meeting where the main IRA speaker said, "F*** the Pope!"
Absolutely, Jack. I get so sick and tired of Muslim fanatics being compared to Catholic terrorists. The IRA didn't want a Catholic world.

(not in anyway supporting them)
To the public a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. They all try to terrorise you with violence. Some try to read too much into what a particular terrorist uses as their excuse.
//Muslims are as horrified as anyone else //

//their collective silence is deafening//

If I cannot understand my friend's silence, I will never get to understand his words.

Enoch Powell

It's 9:30am...Many many Muslims would be just finding out about the attacks.

Going by Facebook alone many of my 'friends' are just finding out.

You can't condemn people that go to bed early!!!

Condemnation from around the world with the exception of Arab or Muslim nations and organisations. They also appear to 'sleep' late despite going to bed early.
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//No terror group has claimed responsibility, but Twitter accounts linked to jihadists have been celebrating the attacks.//

Sorry. Some are up and posting a response.
The extremists surprise there. What about the moderate Muslims? What is expected of them. It's never quite clear.
What is expected of them, Ummmm....what I expect would be unpopular and not doable I suppose.

When abuse by Catholic priests and nuns, and the cover ups, became common knowledge I expected my family and friends to denounce their religion and empty the churches.

I'd expect the same here...but then I live in LaLaLand....x
Their silence is understood by some of us. Without it they would have to spend their whole time explaining the inexplicable, justifying the unjustifiable, and defending the indefensible.
It may have escaped your notice but ISIS is primarily fighting and killing other muslims. They may have killed 150 French people yesterday, but they will killed treble that muslims today in Syria and Iraq. The muslim world do not have to make empty guestures of comdemnation to hate ISIS just as much, if not more, than we do.
I'd welcome a few high profile "empty gestures of condemnation" from the Muslim world.

Even as a tree-hugging, left-leaning, multiculturalist I need some reassurance that the majority of Muslims are as appalled as I am by the actions of their co-religionists last night.
Perhaps confining them to their murderous inclinations on each other instead of the whole world is a start then gromit. Or perhaps you are of the persuasion that it is preferable not to put up with anything that is British if you can find something 'foreign to embrace.
Assad is no threat to the UK but ISIS is. We are fighting the wrong enemy because the US is telling us to. We should divert all our resourses and determination to wiping ISIS off the map. Leave Assad to the Yanks.

But sadly we won't. We will bomb the Syrian Army who are fighting ISIS, making it more likely ISIS can mount attacks against us.
//What about the moderate Muslims? What is expected of them. It's never quite clear. //

According to our resident Muslim, Keyplus, there are no moderate Muslims - and actually a Muslim I saw interviewed quite recently was most offended by the idea of moderate Muslims. He agreed with Keyplus.
I'll explain that. The man interviewed said the term 'moderate Muslim' implies that such Muslims are not following their religion correctly and he found that highly offensive.
Okay...change the wording. What is expected of non fanatical Muslims?

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