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Paris...this Is Getting Scary!.

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Bravehearted | 01:00 Sat 14th Nov 2015 | Current Affairs
107 Answers
Just the start. Watch your back with all the migrants flooding Europe from Africa and the usual suspects.


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I must defer to your knowledge of NI there Sandy. But my pal (who still had grandparents farming in the Republic when we worked together) did say that a 'prod' would not have got within 50 yards of the place. The children are still dead. I was 23 yrs old.
He may have been thinking of some other bar. McGurk's was located on a main Rd, North Queen St, and was on the very edge of the Republican New Lodge area. As events showed it was a dangerous place to frequent. The fact that the majority of victims were pensioners was a clear indication that 'players' didn't travel out of their neighbourhood to drink there.
Just to get the thread back on track.
//◾The West, especially Europe, continues to be taken aback every time a new terror attack occurs, as if each one were the first.
//◾"We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law." — From a leaked German intelligence document.//One of the most surprising aspects of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night is how "deeply shocked" members of the European political establishment appeared to be.
Angela Merkel, David Cameron and the Pope all expressed their condolences -- and "deep shock" -- at the well-coordinated, citywide terror attacks in six different places across Paris, which as of this writing have claimed at least 128 lives and more than 200 wounded./
The twisted sociopaths would love London next.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad sought to exploit the Paris attacks for political gain, calling on France to change policies that he says have contributed to the "spread of terrorism.
Russia backs Asssad. Both France and Russia have independent nuclear weapons capabilities and are both smarting after recent horrific events. Mediate someone.
//Mediate someone. //

There can be no mediation. Fundamentalist Islam does not compromise.
Mo mediation no talking, the time to jaw jaw is over it's now time for war war.
Would a sensible start be to ask (demand) that all Muslims are registered, with names and addresses and notify the authorities if they move? It does sound Draconian (even Hitlerian) I agree, but in WW2 Germans were peaceably identified and placed on the Isle of Man. Not one got hurt. Any Muslim unwilling to register would become suspect. I know that this idea will be screamed down - but we have to do something, very soon.
War war, but how how?

How do you start a war against these people?
Blast blast their strongholds out of existence.
Naomi - please stop with the 'told ya so' attitude.

We get it, extremists are extremists, You've read the Koran, the Bible, loads of holy books. You're more read than most of us....
Just give it a couple of days before you boot someone in the face!!
Jourdain's suggestion is not as far-fetched as it sounds. We can no longer afford to take the risk - every muslim must be seen as a potential enemy.
jourdain; Why oh why do the Brits fear identity cards? An act was passed in 2006 for their adoption, but the Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition formed after the 2010 general election announced that the ID card scheme would be scrapped, largely by pressure from the now insignificant Lib/Dems.
What do you want me to do, Ummmm?

///One of the most surprising aspects of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night is how "deeply shocked" members of the European political establishment appeared to be///

If they would only listen to their advisers it might not be such a shock to the system, unless their advisers just feed them the sugary bits.

As an Ex Serviceman I have a network of friends all over the Globe, not only guys I've served with, but guys from other Nations we've trained with, socialised with over the years, and there are many more like me out there.

I from time to time have voiced the opinion on here the Islam was the main threat faced by the west, and of course have be shouted down by the apologists, 'cause the guys who run their Corner Shop would never be like that, and when we went somewhere Muslim on holiday they were really nice!
How you feeling now guys?
Baldric, careful. You're in grave danger of being told to shut up. Too close to the truth.
every muslim must be seen as a potential enemy.

Thats pretty much how I see it anyway, Jackdaw.

Won't be the first, or last time I'm sure Naomi!
You and me both!
The only thing that surprises me is that the pogroms haven't started yet, but they cannot be far off.
Baldric for best answer!

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