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Paris...this Is Getting Scary!.

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Bravehearted | 01:00 Sat 14th Nov 2015 | Current Affairs
107 Answers
Just the start. Watch your back with all the migrants flooding Europe from Africa and the usual suspects.


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I'd expect what I posted at 10.17, Ummmm........
Amid all the horrors in Paris last night this was quite moving.
Media URL:
It doesn't work like that though. Atrocities don't stop people believing, unfortunately. Nor does decease, famine, floods, earthquakes....etc.

There is a Muslim household down the road from me, should they be standing in the street with banners or something?
Something?....Denounce their religion and never step inside a Mosque?
They weren't moving as fast as the French President and German Foreign Minister, sandy, who were 'smuggled' out of the stadium by their armed guards at the first sign of trouble.
Perhaps if politicians had to face the consequences of their decisions they wouldn't be so blasé about the security of ordinary people.
Svejk - don't be so bloody stupid
how's that then, genius?
What gives you the idea that the French president doesn't care about his country's and his people's safety?
I understand the concept that sharing the same risks/fate if your citizens concentrates the mind; but the other side of the coin is that were it to be so, leaders may be too concerned with their own safety that on occasion they fail to do what needs to be done. Overall they need to be considered vital and therefore at lower risk (until any "war" is lost anyway).
Svejk, if the President had been blown up, then things would really start falling apart. I think they did the right thing in getting him out of there.
France & Germany have been the main drivers of mass immigration into Europe.
Obviously, I'm not saying our leaders should wander around 'sans security'. But if they did, it would concentrate their minds. Possibly stop them being so dismissive of the concerns of the little people.
Yes it is scary how easily people are led by false 'starts'

"The minister, Prince Saud Al-Faisal, in a joint appearance with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, said to journalists that “…the whole system of education is being transformed from top to bottom...
The material found in these books reveals that the Saudi government continues to propagate an ideology of hate toward the “unbeliever,” which includes Christians, Jews, Shiites, Sufis, Sunni Muslims who do not follow Wahhabi doctrine, Hindus, atheists and others.";oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=LBFHVoyTHoWBUbnim8AG#q=saudis+exporting+wahhabism

I think that the French airforce needs to bomb the bejeezus out of daesh in Syria 'pour encourager les autres'.
I can't understand why there's one brick standing on another in Raqqa.
I think it is because there are 'innocent' people in raqqa too.
That wasn't a consideration in Caen or Dresden.
Or Enniskillen.
Or McGurk's Bar, for that matter.
Yes I remember that as well Sandy. The 'authorities originally said that the bomb had exploded prematurely whilst being primed before being taken to its destination. Then the UDF were blamed. A very good pal of mine from the Republic insisted, that it was factional retribution from within the Nationalist movement. The children still died.
Two UVF men, a father and son, as I recall, were eventually convicted. The victims included pensioners, the publican, his son aged 7 or 8, and a barman.
I was never a Republican haunt that would have made it a target for factional violence.

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