I note that some people here are calling for a curfew, possibly starting at 7pm each evening.
I usually try to shop within the last hour at Morrison's (from 9pm to 10pm, or from 9.30pm to 10pm if I don't need too much) in order to go when the store is very quiet. (The Ipswich store is one of their bigger ones but there are still usually no more than 5 or 6 customers in there, including me, when I go shopping. I don't have any problem at all maintaining social distancing of at least FIVE metres, so I don't see myself or others as being at any significant level of risk).
If I'm not allowed out of my house after 7pm, I (and many others) will have to shop earlier in the day, meaning that supermarkets will then be more crowded, thus INCREASING the risks of infection to everyone.
So a 7pm curfew seems like a totally barmy idea to me!