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Another Lock Down Likely

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nailit | 21:37 Sun 19th Dec 2021 | Current Affairs
139 Answers
Vaccines worked out well then?
Not to mention isolation, mask waring, isolation, distancing, sanatizing, etc


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//So where does your 99.97% figure come from (cos its obvs completely bogus, impossibly high,// Is it so impossibly high? At present, there have been 11.45m recorded cases and 147.2k deaths. Leaving aside, for the moment, the potential inaccuracies when recording both these figures, that means 98.7% of those recorded to have contracted the virus...
22:12 Mon 20th Dec 2021
Gordie - you are so right.
janine, truly sorry for your long wait.

I think some people get a particular focus on the pandemic, almost blinkered dare I say? It seems difficult for them to see a bigger picture and they can not get beyond their own small world.

I realise I am lucky to live in an area where cases are few but I don't believe that anywhere is free of the pandemic. Even those on the remotest of Scottish islands have to have some contact with others if only getting supplies in once in a while. I wouldn't live in a city like London if you paid me.
Thank you choux. I have had several consultations with consultants on the phone of course snd so condition is being monitored but I have heard of ops being cancelled, after being booked including mine, because of the upsurge in covid hospital cases. As far as I can see there is no excuse, except extreme allergy, for people not receiving vaccination. I know it doesn't completely protect but it does lessen the severity and the probability of a hospital stay and blockage on other operations.
This apparent shelving of, shall I say, normal appointments is a bugbear of mine. I have been waiting for a hospital appointment with one department, not heard a thing and yesterday I received an appointment from a different department but at the same hospital.

OH was given a referral form by the GP and I booked the appointment on line for the first week in January (at another hospital). The advice on line was that the appointment would be confirmed in writing - not yet received. I suppose that will get blamed on Christmas mail.

I spoke to a friend today who attended hospital on Friday to see her oncology consultant as booked weeks ago. The receptionist said the appointment had been cancelled by letter. I felt so sorry for her.
Masked and vaccinated to the hilt in Germany and it hasn't stopped covid rates rising. An "unvaccinated" is now classified as double jabbed who have not had the booster, in a few months it will be triple jabbers that have not had a 4th and so on..
better to be vaccinated than not i think... many of those unvaccinated are the ones ending up in hospital. Much to the frustration of the staff no doubt.
a lot of unvaccinated have natural immunity, a lot of vaccinated have developed health problems since being jabbed, not worth the risk if you have natural immunity.
no such thing as natural immunity, people have died in their thousands because they were not vaccinated. Now we have the problem of getting many to accept that they need to be so to get into venues etc.
MrsCheese, //not worth the risk if you have natural immunity. //

How would you know if you have natural immunity?

Of course the vaccines are working - and working well.
been around a lot of symptomaic positive cases, never been reinfected
reinfected, so you have had it???
With new variants rearing their ugly heads 'never' could change. Up to you though ... obviously.
-- answer removed --
Don't have it then.
Good luck emmie. Some here know far more than the health professionals.
It's fine for nailit to question the science but am sure after 20 seconds with jvt or Chris witty or Amy doctor hed realise he knows nothing in comparison and is totally out of his depth
indeed don't have it, your choice, however what about friends, family are they of the same mindset.
Having cocod gives you some immunity but it wears off. Read some of the reports on it on proper medical or news sites Mrs mccheese. Or ask you doctor
Cocod should of course be covid in case you think it sounded fishy
Mrs Cheese, I'm gobsmacked;-/
You should be advising the government on their policies.
If only politicians would sign up to AB the worlds problems would be solved.

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