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Another Lock Down Likely

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nailit | 21:37 Sun 19th Dec 2021 | Current Affairs
139 Answers
Vaccines worked out well then?
Not to mention isolation, mask waring, isolation, distancing, sanatizing, etc


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//So where does your 99.97% figure come from (cos its obvs completely bogus, impossibly high,// Is it so impossibly high? At present, there have been 11.45m recorded cases and 147.2k deaths. Leaving aside, for the moment, the potential inaccuracies when recording both these figures, that means 98.7% of those recorded to have contracted the virus...
22:12 Mon 20th Dec 2021
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Did you remove all the insults directed at the unvaccinated?
There should be no restrictions to protect the anti vaxxers. If they catch it and die then so be it.
Did you remove all the insults directed at the unvaccinated?

I would guess not because the vaccinated are using logic with well reasoned argument backed up by empirical evidence and medical data

Just a guess though

Whadyathink ?
Nature - big boys jounral -

get covid - get jabbed and you get turned into a super-immune !

directly opposite to what Mrs Cheese and her pals were stating
Question Author
//I don't understand why anti-vaxxers are so eager to deter others from taking advantage of the vaccine//

Naomi, lets get the record straight. I am neither an anti-vaxxer or Covid denier. If you are happy to take the jab then go for it but afford me the same right to refuse it for the following reasons....

Over 1800 deaths (in the UK) from the jabs.
Multiple vaccine injuries reported via the yellow card scheme. Including myocarditis, clots and paralysis.
(And that is just what is reported)
I also have a right to refuse a drug that is experimental with no known long term effects and to live my life in peace and also expect medical care if Im wrong, just as my brother in law did in his final days after been a lifelong smoker and dying of lung cancer or my friend whos organs packed in after a lifetime of alcohol abuse.
Just as much as an athelete who gets an injury while on the field/pitch.

TBH, Im scared of the jab than I am of contracting a virus with a 99.97% survival rate.

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I'll gladly give up my time in a GP surgery, having jabs, to allow a potential cancer sufferer to receive screening/treatment.
Over 1800 deaths (in the UK) from the jabs.
Multiple vaccine injuries reported via the yellow card scheme.
Including myocarditis, clots and paralysis. yes myocarditis "overestimated" - clots: cerebral venous thrombosis (2.5 events per 100,000 vaccinations).

(And that is just what is reported) and would you really NOT report a clot in the Brain or heart inflammation ?

I also have a right to refuse a drug that is experimental
not experimental, billion doses given

and to live my life in peace and infect and kill old people
but also expect medical care if I get ill

TBH, Im scared of the jab than I am of contracting a virus with a 99.97% survival rate - repeating the same old lies - if it were 99.97% then 150 000 english deaths - you have been told this Mailit - - occurred in an english population of at least a billion

I dont think anyone minds you getting it and croaking Nailit,
it is infecting and killing other people on your way out
Question Author
My own 30 min telephone app with the nurse to discuss my own recent blood test results have been put on hold
(After having a recent text from the surgery asking me to make an app ASAP following blood tests)

All they are interested in is boosters,
All other health conditions dont seem to matter anymore!
-- answer removed --
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It rhymes with Mick...
Clever dick? Because he's right. Its been explained that your 99.97 % figure is nonsense, complete nonsense. For someone with your age and past health/history and unvaccinated its 90-95%/ So thats a 5-10% chance of dying if you get covid not your suggested figure of 0.03%- so over 1000 times more likeley than your facebook or whatever figure

Alternatively, the truth.

When push comes to shove, I couldn't give a monkeys whether you have the vaccine or not, it's completely irrelevant to my life. However, I don't understand why you seek to justify it with bogus facts and twisted truths, not to mention using smug soundbites like "Vaccines worked out well then?"
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//So thats a 5-10% chance of dying if you get covid//
And yet I spent my mums dying weeks nursing her, along with my sisters (and other family members) 2 weeks b4 she died she was diagnosed with Covid! And yet not one of us had it?
This highly, contageous, killer disease (that you have to have a test for to see if you have it) bypassed all who were in contact with her.

you were all lucky not to catch it from her.
Ever wondered why the ones who die never report back on AB to tell us there outcome nailit. We only ever seem to hear from the 95% or so who survive
It’s possible you or the family had mild symptoms, and infected your mother ?
Question Author
//However, I don't understand why you seek to justify it with bogus facts and twisted truths//

I dont Mozz.
Im trying to ascertain all the available data.
(Yours included)
So where does your 99.97% figure come from (cos its obvs completely bogus, impossibly high, as PP says and as I said
Where does your 1,800 UK deaths after having a jag come from?

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