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Is the Mayor of Tower Hamlets right to threaten the Met. in such a way?

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anotheoldgit | 10:20 Mon 22nd Aug 2011 | News
70 Answers

Who says some minority groups are not trying to run the country?

/// The Mayor of Tower Hamlets has given the Metropolitan Police Commissioner until Monday to seek a Home Office ban on the English Defence League marching through London’s East End on September 3.///

/// Legal proceedings will begin, they warn, if there is no response by Monday or if the response is not in favour of a ban.///

If this march is banned, perhaps the Notting-Hill Carnival should also be banned, since it will need twice the amount of police resources to police it this year, than it did last year?


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>> Go and have a look at what, exactly? <<

at the edl demo
">> Go and have a look at what, exactly? <<

at the edl demo "

Ah, i see - and the second part of my question is now: "match what description?" I didn't give a description.
Perhaps if you have attended one though you could save me the bother of going all the way to London and tell me what normally happens - and don't play it down :-)
>> I didn't give a description. <<

i never said you did, unless you work for the media
"one cannot possibly make comparisons between a crime provoking carnival and a peaceful EDL march"

-- answer removed --
>> I didn't give a description. <<

i never said you did, unless you work for the media

Ah description of what i see - I think I will pass on that particular cultural experience if you don't mind. My impression of the EDL comes not from the media but from the words and opinions of its members and supporters and I can tell you it is a place I don't want to go.
well i am glad you have made your mind up after speaking to some of them
most people just go off what the media say
"one cannot possibly make comparisons between a crime provoking carnival and a peaceful EDL march"

The Old Git has obviously never attended either otherwise he wouldn't make such crass comparisons.

Epic (and rather sad) fail
I wonder how the EDL supporters in Tower Hamlets feel about this action - although I guess they are outnumbered.
<<I wonder how the EDL supporters in Tower Hamlets feel about this action - although I guess they are outnumbered. >>

EDL supporters are in the minority anywhere in England judging by the tiny numbers they can scrape together for any meeting and the pathetic results any of the extremist parties achieve at the polls.
anotheoldoaf - you twist a story ,to suit your agenda - and still come up
with a "Pig"s Ear" - LOL - AOGFAIL!
Then as they are not a threat why a ban. If you ban one group in all fairness you ban the lot, and where does that leave our freedom of speech which is slowly being eroded I am sad to say.
in the words of the mayor himself:

“We will not let the EDL or any other bunch of extremists divide our community"

does that answer you brenden ?
No Ankou, some may think they are extremists others may not and support them, there are those in the community in Tower Hamlets that support them, surely they have a voice - albeit - a minority.

there is a difference between having a voice in one's community and drafting in people from all over the country to enter into another community to incite or provoke disorder.
which is why application is made to the home secretary to determine the level and threat of extremism.
Surely, If you are not interested in what these people have to say, you stay away and ignore them, they only gain newsworthiness when you have different thinking groups front them (let them have their own marches). I am such a great believer in equal justice that I am finding it quite hard to understand that you are advocating no-go-areas i.e entering into another community etc
you'd be more than happy for islam4uk to parade up and down your street then brenden ?
They would be on there own Ankou but that is their right, peaceful marches are allowed in this country - anywhere - it's only when opposing parties confront them that violence follows - look at Ireland.
<<If you are not interested in what these people have to say>>

that's a big (and probably incorrect) assumption.

I would imagine that if an extremist group want to gather and espouse ideas such as, say, the forced expulsion from our country of certain ethnic groups, then members of those ethnic groups might be very interested in it!

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Is the Mayor of Tower Hamlets right to threaten the Met. in such a way?

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