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Is the Mayor of Tower Hamlets right to threaten the Met. in such a way?

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anotheoldgit | 10:20 Mon 22nd Aug 2011 | News
70 Answers

Who says some minority groups are not trying to run the country?

/// The Mayor of Tower Hamlets has given the Metropolitan Police Commissioner until Monday to seek a Home Office ban on the English Defence League marching through London’s East End on September 3.///

/// Legal proceedings will begin, they warn, if there is no response by Monday or if the response is not in favour of a ban.///

If this march is banned, perhaps the Notting-Hill Carnival should also be banned, since it will need twice the amount of police resources to police it this year, than it did last year?


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"it's only when opposing parties confront them that violence follows"

fine, so let the edl march through chipping norton then.
There are hundreds of Orange Marches every year in N Ireland. The ones that go through their own areas don't cause any trouble. It's when they're forced through areas where they're not wanted that trouble flares up.
The mayor of Tower Hamlets is right in trying to get a potentially violent demonstration banned
>> pathetic results any of the extremist parties achieve at the polls. <<
>> the forced expulsion from our country of certain ethnic groups, <<

if no one listens and no one votes for them the only expulsion will be hot air from their lungs
Zeuhl, Do you honestly believe that any ethnic group in this country faces forced expulsion, tell me this is not a conspiracy theory, and that the EDL or islam4uk (both extreme groups) are big enough to win an election.
I think the strategy of 'ignore them and they'll go away' has its merits but I might feel differently if i was part of one of the communities being targeted by them.

I doubt if any of the jews who attacked mosley when he marched through the jewish quarter of the east end felt any shame for their 'violent disorder' particularly when the full horror of that particular brand of extreme politics was played out in other countries.
<<Do you honestly believe that any ethnic group in this country faces forced expulsion>>

Brenden that isn't what I said - re-read my post please.

I don't know if your user name is based on irish lineage but if it was i imagine you would be 'interested' in any group advocating expulsion of people of irish descent; even if it seemed unlikely they could ever achieve it.
I re-read your post Zeuhl , and I asked you if you believed it - this is a yes or no. On your second point, no I am not or Irish decent, and there is a difference of being interested and taking to the streets, but this is I think a hypothetical question on your part. And I stand my by beliefs of equal justice for all.
I believe that everyone in this country is entitled to march if they so desire,so I say let the EDL march BUT that's all they do & the first person to shout anything out (on either side) should immediately be arrested for breach of the peace. Maybe, just maybe we will then be in control of the situation.

"no I am not or Irish decent" what? - you sound,a little bit- Brenden
Brenden - fair enough, to answer your question.

No i don't think any ethnic groups are going to be forcibly expelled.
But ...

Are there groups advocating it? Yes
If I were a member of one of those ethnic groups might I feel threatened by them? Yes
Might I be anxious about them gaining ground? Yes
Might I want to demonstrate against them as a defence mechanism? Yes

That is just human nature. Speak your mind yes. Threaten other groups and expect them to defend themselves.

And that is exactly what the EDL want - that is why they choose to exercise their 'freedom of speech' in the home areas of their chosen victims.
I think Brenden is spelt Brendan in Ireland, mine is made up, but I would be proud to have had Irish decent, but I do have other mixtures.
Brenda is an Irish name - or am I way off the mark?
is that 'Irish decent' - as opposed to 'Irish uncouth'
Zeuhl, these home areas you speak of are also their home areas, we have free access- thank God - to any part of this country, do not give credence to any no-go-area. wiskeryron is spot on with his views, march but no incitement from anybody.
The march itself IS the incitement. Whether it's in the East of London or any other area where it's not wanted.
<<these home areas you speak of are also their home areas>>

How exactly?

I think your point is that there is no reason why anyone can't walk down any street in the land. True.

But this is not an innocent stroll. It is a deliberate, organised statement.

Have you and your neighbours ever closed off your street for a street party or similar event?

Would you be even slightly surprised if it was closed off for an event organised by and for the benefit of people who live 200 miles away?
So are you saying Zeuhl they can only march in their own boroughs.
I think we should not allow our belief in freedom to make us naive.

We should ask; are they choosing to march in that particular borough as a legitimate way to express their freedom of speech?

Or are they choosing to march in that borough because they wish to provoke?

Just as whilst I reserve my right to freely decry both the Christian and Islamic beliefs in an after-life, I think choosing to do so in a church or mosque during a funeral service would rightly be considered inappropriate and provocative.
Whose visions in the final end
Must shatter like the glass
I pity the poor immigrant
When his gladness comes to pass

Or Wooton Bassett.

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