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Is the Mayor of Tower Hamlets right to threaten the Met. in such a way?

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anotheoldgit | 10:20 Mon 22nd Aug 2011 | News
70 Answers

Who says some minority groups are not trying to run the country?

/// The Mayor of Tower Hamlets has given the Metropolitan Police Commissioner until Monday to seek a Home Office ban on the English Defence League marching through London’s East End on September 3.///

/// Legal proceedings will begin, they warn, if there is no response by Monday or if the response is not in favour of a ban.///

If this march is banned, perhaps the Notting-Hill Carnival should also be banned, since it will need twice the amount of police resources to police it this year, than it did last year?


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Lets's ban all marches, demonstrations, they disrupt London, and more often or not bring it to a standstill, and too many groups now use it as an excuse for a free for all, that way there is no TH Mayor asking the police to stop this march, in fact no policemen needed on the streets to contain thugs who want to have a go at one another and vent their spleen on the mostly law abiding citizens of London, and the businesses which suffer as a result.
<<Or Wooton Bassett>>

Notting Hill carnival 2010
// Reported crime fell by more than 31% compared to the same stage last year. There were 26 arrests for public order offences. //

EDL march in Wellington near Telford a fortnight ago.
// Police arrested 46 people in the aftermath of a protest rally held by the English Defence League in Wellington. //
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/// “We will not let the EDL or any other bunch of extremists divide our community" ///

Perhaps the Mayor should take off his 'rose tinted specs' he would then see that his 'community' is already divided by gangs, who stab or shoot each other on a regular basis.
sonow you are comparing the edl march to organised crime ?
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Notting Hill carnival 2010
// Reported crime fell by more than 31% compared to the same stage last year. there were 26 arrests for public order offences. //

Just means there were 31% less people prepared to report a crime, and the police most likely turned more of a blind eye.

Just as they once did when Abu Hamza, the controversial Muslim cleric, stood in the street preaching his hate, just as they did at the poppy burnings, just as they did on the first night of the riots and lootings?

// police arrested 46 people in the aftermath of a protest rally held by the English defence league in Wellington. //

Did it state what proportion were EDL and what proportion were UAF and associates?

Or did they once again turn a blind eye, and only noticed the EDL's members?
Would the police not have more in common with EDF members that with their opponents?
^^^ EDL. The English Defence Force is probably still in the planning stages.
EDF - Electricite de France - probably too busy ratcheting up energy bills to bother deliberately inciting ethnic minorities to violence then standing back and saying "We told you so, they're all violent savages"
Oh sorry, I'm letting myself be influenced too mch by the "media" again lol

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Is the Mayor of Tower Hamlets right to threaten the Met. in such a way?

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