I had the misfortune of travellers invading some spare land near where I live some years ago. The short time they were here was a nightmare. They used to defecate along the river path, leaving piles of it, plus soiled toilet paper! There were several burglaries in nearby houses when they were here, including mine - they stole my brand new yard brush and shovel while I was out one evening and they even stole a neighbour's little dog. He went looking for it on the camp and found it tied up outside a caravan! They all drove flashy cars with no tax discs and yet when this was pointed out to the police who came round to restore some order after all the harrassment, they turned a blind eye to it! I have no time whatsoever for these travellers after my experiences of them. Thankfully now, the land has become a retail estate with no more room for travellers. They do not abide by the same laws as the rest of us and think they have a divine right to live like this, no wonder they get people's backs up.