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MP threatened.

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Amy90 | 01:07 Sun 30th Oct 2011 | News
101 Answers
The very last sentence of this report is astounding. There were no arrests yet the MP was called a 'Jewish homosexual pig' by one of the muslims.

Now, imagine if things had been the other way around. It seems you can only be racist if you are white and British.


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<<no need to post stuff about Israeli atrocities, because one could counter it with atrocities from Arab upon Israelis, and indeed their own people.>>

That's true em.

But perhaps it would help defuse (pun intended) the situation if Israel complied with UN ruling and withdrew from the occupied territories and stopped squeezing the Palestinians out by illegal settlement building.

Perhaps it would also help if that situation wasn't being deliberately enflamed by encouraging the arrival of thousands of jews from all over the world many of whom claim to have a 'god-given' right to occupy land where others are already living.
Brenden there was link posted a rabbi saying how lucky they had been with over 1000 rocket attacks and no civilian casualties ( this was from about 2 years back)

compare that with all the death and destruction on the west bank, people forced out of their homes at gun point
Israel became a sovereign state in 1948, now I ask you Zeuhl when was there a sovereign state of palestine.
Zeuhl, i agree, but as i said no one wins, countless dead on all sides, and eventually some form of settlement, peace accord, agreement has to be reached. But it's off the topic of original post, i know that happens, but it is about what is happening in Britain now, not in some far flung place.

<<do your own research like I do, learn the truth>>

Your posts don't bear out that claim.

If you like I will post details on the civilian casualties (palestinian and others) caused by Israeli military in attacks over the past few years and condemned by international observers.

But of course that won't include the deaths and suffering caused in more insidious ways such as the traffic jams caused deliberately by check points on roads between palestinian residential areas and their hospitals
Zeuhl, or indeed anyone, have you not wondered at the level of intolerance between people just on AB, then translate that a thousand fold across the globe, much of the hatred, though not always of course, where religion in all it's forms plays a large part. Perhaps that's an excuse to hate, harm or kill your neighbour, in the name of your chosen faith. Not much peace in that, i wonder what Jesus, Mohammed, and sundry deities, if they existed would say about this. I am a non believer, so have no axe to grind, so no taking sides.

<<Israel became a sovereign state in 1948>>

Yes, after a concerted terrorist campaign in which British service people were killed - many of whom had just fought their way across europe liberating concentration camps
And with the backing of the US succumbing to a combination of guilt over not intervening earlier despite knowing about the Holocaust and considerable jewish-american pressure.

The <sovereign state> of 1948 is a lot smaller than the land they now occupy. It was clear even then, the Israelis would never stop until they had driven out Palestians who had lived there for generations and dominated the region and its resources.

After all; god said it was theirs and anyone who criticises their aggressive policies is labelled 'anti-semitic'.
So there has never been a sovereign state of Palestine - am I correct?
<<So there has never been a sovereign state of Palestine>>

Brenden, why would that, in your mind perhaps, excuse the encroachment shown in the above video?
Well-said EM10.
Those who commit atrocities, on both sides, deserve each other.
But the innocent majority do not.
TW, it's usually the innocents who get killed, the politicians, and army bigwigs who start these wars get out, or stand back and then watch as chaos ensues.
Could not agree more em.
>> Those who commit atrocities, on both sides, deserve each other.
But the innocent majority do not. <<

not many speak up for the innocent majority of the west bank

majority of deaths = west bank
majority of atrocities = west bank

Does anyone know whether the police have / are pursuing this matter?.
Since no arrests were made, I assume not. Could be wrong though.
Ta Naomi

Well hopefully the Met will arrest the suspect/s soon (then re-bail them to attend the police station on the morning of Sun 13th Nov).
Ha ha! Good idea! :o)
Dr Filth -

Your criticisms of Israel's actions are not without merit. Some of the tactics and weapons used are unnecessary and indiscriminate. However, there are always two sides to every story. Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza (and an organisation considered to be heavily involved in terrorism by Israel, the United States in the EU) are a political entity whose stated aim is to wipe Israel from the map. Their political covenant can be read here...

As you can see, one of the opening lines in this document is a quote from Hassan al-Banna, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”.

This quote is not in the above document by accident. It is quite clear that Hamas have no intention of making peace with their Jewish neighbours. In fact, if you read the whole document, it's quite disturbing – advocating nothing less than Islamic world domination over what it sees as a massive 'Zionist' plot; a goal derived directly from the Islamic religion.

In addition, Hamas have conducted countless attacks on Israel using suicide bombers and rocket attacks in recent years and continue to do so. In the case of rocket attacks, they routinely and deliberately set up the rocket launch sites in civilian areas (often next door to schools and hospitals) so that if Israel responds in kind, there is a high probability that innocent Palestinians will be killed by the retaliatory strike.

As I stated earlier, I agree that Israel is hardly whiter than white in this conflict but by the same token neither are Hamas and the other Islamic groups who are involved. To portray one side as the poor unfortunate victim of the big bully next door is to seriously misrepresent and over-simplify the true situation and nature of this conflict.
birdie1971 >> Hamas have conducted countless attacks on Israel using suicide bombers and rocket attacks in recent years and continue to do so. <<

i think you will find that most of these attacks are on their own land, israel is growing day by day ( see above link )

>> Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza (and an organisation considered to be heavily involved in terrorism by Israel, the United States <<

they would say that as america sends weapons and aid at great cost , think of the friends of israel bit .

why allow all these jews from around the world to go and live on land nicked from the palestinians.

do you honestly think birdie that one day in the future they will move these people off the land they have nicked

it seems from the link i have posted that the jewish people want to drive the palestinians from their land.
if you go on some maps they don't even have palestines name on the map

back to the bombs and rockets, if the french nicked essex from us and we fired rockets into essex, would we be firing rockets into france or our own land that was called essex

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