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Why do we care what happens to this lowlife?

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d9f1c7 | 20:32 Tue 07th Feb 2012 | News
132 Answers
I couldn't care less if they hang him by his toe nails in Jordan. So many handwringers whinning on the news today.


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No sport without a chute x-ray :0)
shouldn't a nations rights overrule an individuals rights ?
something to do with the rule of law? Or does that only apply to people we personally approve of?

If he's committed a crime, charge him.
Absolutely Vulcan, but successive Labour Governments have sold us down the river so we as a nation have no say. That's exactly the reason why we see this type of crap and can do nothing about it. And still some bleeding heart liberals want to cling to the Euro dream...deluded so and so's.
"disappear" him!

Throw him out of a plane without a parachute!

ooh, I love to see the British public demonstrate their great moral superiority over the rest of the world by licking their lips and devising ever more painful ways to kill people they don't like.

Rule Britannia!

I have no liking for this man at all - he's a vile rabble-rousing bigot.

But the day we start "taking people we don't like round the back and shooting them" (or getting someone else to shoot them for us, so that our hands stay clean) then we abandon all rights to call ourselves a civilized society.

I think the personal abuse meted out to Gromit is lamentable - you should be ashamed of yourselves.
We need to press for a change in HR laws in this respect so that we could treat him as an enemy alien Which he is, rather than an undesirable alien.
Meanwhile the security service will need to keep a watching brief on him which will cost us a packet.

What we cannot do is contravene the rules we have subscribed to (unlike some of our European friends).
hear hear, dave. we end up no better than many so-called humanitarian nations out there. Jordan is an enigma, magnficient on the arts, tourism etc, a slightly decreipt economy, yet still Muslim (Middle Eastern) on aspects such as human rights.....
Abuse? no, not in the slightest. If anyone defends the rights of an enemy of our Country to reside here supported by the tax payer for free and supports the mechanisms that allow that to happen then they are what they are. TRAITORS.
So line me up with the traitors then - better that than the mixture of hatred, mob-rule and quasi gestapo which seems to be your alternative - have we learnt nothing from the lessons of Hitler's brownshirts in the 1930s ?

" First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me. "

Without the rule of law we are nothing - worse even than those who seek to destroy us.
Tell that to the bereaved families of 9/11 or 7/7. The meek shall inherit the earth.
hear hear, sunny dave.

And to think the English invented human rights. It was called Magna Carta, and people used to be proud of it.
(sorry d9 for this); hope that you are enjoying Dent, zac......
Zac - you can apply that concept to every crime committed.
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Magna Carta, fine, what was wrong with it? HR act, ECHR is the opposite of human rights. It's protects a few at the expense of the rest.
That's completely off topic, irrelevant and stupid. NAZI?
The 'law' in this case is being dictated to us by Strasbourg and frankly it is an ass.
What would Churchill have done, knowing that his own Government was being manipulated from afar to force us to accommodate enemies within our midst?
Ok. It was a bit of a cheap shot.
DT, we're having a fantastic time up here. The weather is excellent but I think we've almost killed the dawg who's limping and didnt even budge for his usual 9pm sojourn. Might just have to stroll down to the Sun tomorrow lunch. Thanks for asking.
Life is tuff.....
So explain to me the subtle difference between rounding up people you don't like and killing them and throwing people you don't like out of a plane without a parachute ...

It's a slippery slope - how sure are you that it will never be you that is on the wrong side of 'rough justice' ...
He he.

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