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Why do we care what happens to this lowlife?

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d9f1c7 | 20:32 Tue 07th Feb 2012 | News
132 Answers
I couldn't care less if they hang him by his toe nails in Jordan. So many handwringers whinning on the news today.


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this man is Bad!...should be deported!........simple!.......get him gone Asap........
I've never traveled to another country with the express wish to spread hatred whithin country and to rally people and brainwash them into acts of violence against their country, nor have I ever preached religious hatred and displayed the utmost contempt for any society.
That's why, sunnyD, I have no fear of what you call the 'rough' side of justice.
If I were to stand on a street corner in Jordan or wherever it is this guy hails from and started ranting on I would expect to be run in toot sweet .
Yet he's allowed to stand here and preach hate and discontent whilst claiming every benefit going at the expense of us taxpayers .Something radically wrong there .
He may not have committed a crime as such but he's certainly guilty of implanting his hatred of the west into impressionable people .In other words he makes the bullets ....he just doesn't fire them .
Rockall would make a nice destination.....
Without a chute.
I know I can't win this - basically I'm defending the indefensible - as I said in my first post the man is vile, rabble-rousing scum and I don't want him in our country any more than you do.

But we have to be better than he is, we have to do things properly/legally or he will have won - by dragging us down to his level.
exactly shaneystar!........he shoud be deported asap!.......he should not be residing in the UK, let him go back and face whatever!.........I just think that he should be gone!.
Was thinking of an uninhabited island.
Surely preaching hate should be a crime?
If Human Rights Law says he cannot be deported to Jordan why should we have to harbour him?
He is a danger to our Human Rights.
As far as I understand he has already broken the law by entering the country on a false passport. If this is true why can't he be deported ?.
I agree up to a point. We should shoot him. It's more humane than burying him up to waist and pelting him with slabs of concrete. That still makes us better than them. :0)
yes daisy!....we need him gone asap!.......he is dangerous!......
Fair enough sunny dave ....but this namby pamby government would rather pussy foot around to just keep the HR people and Brussels happy .
Terrified of repercussions within the EU if they make a stand agianst this sort of thing .Gutless wonders .
Sod the punters who pay their way .This makes me sooooo mad .....
Gromit, //Sounds like several on here should get a grip on reality.//

You need to get a grip on reality. The reality is this man is an enemy of this country – and would see happily see you - and me - dead! So much for moralistic proselytising!

Sunny-dave, //we have to do things properly/legally or he will have won//

If we get rid of him, he will have lost – and so he should.
Sorry - too many sees in that.
This so called cleric is not a terrorist or bomber. He hasn't killed anyone, and as far as we know, does not have blood on his hands. He just uses words. He makes speeches promoting his religion and denouncing more or less everyone else. I do not agree with him, but his 'crimes' are just saying things we do not like to hear. They certainly do not deserve to result in his execution. We British are civilised and we lead by example not immitating tinpot murderous juntas. We seem to be stuck with this nutter because the laws we have created after careful consideration by very learned a respected thinkers, say we cannot send someone to a country where he might be tortured or killed. You might believe he deserves to be tortured and killed just because he dares to say something you do not like, but unfortunately the law says otherwise.
Exactly why might he be tortured or killled in his own country? Is it really our responsibility?
I'm afraid it is, however much you might dislike an individual it's what makes us a civilised country having laws in place to protect people from victimisation and abuse if they are sent back to their native country. You might not like it, but it's an extremely important piece of legislation, and not something I would be happy if we circumvented merely to get rid of one self opinioned little sh1t stirrer (which incidentally is, as yet, all he is).

The Arab states don't have a good record on human rights and many a prisoner has been murdered while detained. We are a civilised country so we do not hand people to murderers. It is not our responsibility, but we like to think of ourselves above such grubby disregard for life.

If he has ever done anything wrong, prosecute him. Try him in court, let a jury hear the evidence, and if it is convincing, convict him. I'm sure that will help our cause if we want to depirt him. At the moment he is innocent of any crime but we want to banish him.

At the moment he is just a nousy irritant like the Rev Ian Paisley or the Rev Terry Jones.
I really dislike this fella, however the fact that he'll be tortured does not rest easy with me.

Conflicting emotions... a fellow human... hmm?
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