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Was Jo Brand out of order.

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anotheoldgit | 13:01 Wed 25th Apr 2012 | News
40 Answers

Even when appearing on a satire show, it seems that one has to be careful what one says.

Regarding the photo of the complainant anf published in the Daily Mail, one would be given the false impression that Angelina Purcell was a 'happy go lucky' kind of person, just goes to prove how much photographs can lie.


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them coloured folks always looks so cheerful with their big white teeth an'all

I knew it, I knew it!!!!! it would be wrong to criticise her, when I happened to notice she possessed a darkish skin,

I should have known that some person would be all too quick to jump on the race wagon, and make certain sarcastic remarks.

But incidentally isn't it also being offensive to state that she was one of them 'coloured' folk?
Yes it is

Thats what makes it sarcastic L O L
I do not think she was out of order, but she was out of order when she reported what Carol Thatcher said about the French Tennis player, so what goes around comes around!
BTW it wasn't your criticism that prompted the sarcasm

It was the interpretations and presumptions you made about her based on her appearance in just one picture and one letter she wrote.

They said more about you than they did about Ms Purcell.
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It is strange that some can call their racialist offensive remarks sarcastic, yet when one makes an perfectly reasonable comment regarding an inappropriate smiling photo used to illustrate a very angry person, they are deemed false interpretations and presumptions.

Plus the fact that the colour of her skin was never mentioned by me but it was by you, says much more about you than it could ever be said about me.
Yes em I do, I thought that didn't sound right when I typed it - doh !!!!
no worries.. x x
"Streatham is a sh!thole!

Not exactly Tim Vine-quality humour, is it? In fact pretty much what you'd expect to hear from the average drunk in a pub.

Still, I believe Brand calls herself a comedian, so I suppose it must be hilarious in ways I am too thick to comprehend.
Sorry Old Git - your argument is full of holes

an inappropriate smiling photo[i

why did you choose to draw conclusions about Angelina Purcell based on its 'inappropriatenes when that picture is obviously a library shot selected by the paper [i]to illustrate[i] not by her.

[i]a very angry person[i] what all the time? that would indeed make her library shot misleading

why did you choose to draw that conclusion about her as a person when i would suggest it is more likely that she was just angry momentarily, on this specific issue

Now what was it you were saying about your [i]false interpretations and presumptions] ?
Is this new italic function working properly?
seems to be, not sure why it is necessary, but c'est la vie
Was someone seriously trying to suggest that Streatham is NOT a sh1thole?

It IS.

There's simply no argument.

It's a grade one dump of the first order.

"Sh1thole" is probably talking it UP!

It's bandit country. If you have to drive through Streatham on your way into town, you seriously lock your car doors.
i know far worse places than St Reatham, far far worse...
someone to light your cigarette.
no ... she was joking!
Of course not

but if Bernard or Chubby or Frankie had said it ...........
but they wouldn't be on shows like HIGNFY, they do the same stuff on stage, and say far worse things.
Streatham certainly is a sh*thole. I should know, I live 2 minutes drive away from it!
This continual 'touchiness' drives me nuts!
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You seem to be reading far too much into my remarks about the photograph than is necessary.

Yes maybe it is a library picture but, as you would not have failed to notice in such situations newspapers generally choose an appropriate picture to fit the situation.

Let me explain, when someone wins the lottery, they don't choose a picture of the recipient with a sad face, but if a person has experienced some misdeed against them they do.

Hence my reference to the smiling photo of Angelina Purcell, according to the story she is not very happy about Jo Brand's comments, so do you really think a smiling photo was appropriate, regardless of the colour of her skin which you was soon quick to point out?

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Was Jo Brand out of order.

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