but baz, (again i haven't followed the trial) what was the point in the prosecution discrediting the lip reading as not accurate, if JT himself said he HAD said what he was accused of? PS as i said i have not followed the trial closely, but believe this was the "right" outcome from what i have seen written here and on the news
Lets see what those mugs at the FA do now hes been found not guilty, their "inquiry" continues next week ...best thing for this bunch of spineless PC muppets would be to say nothing because its over as far as the court of the land is concerned
What is obvious is that some people are rather embittered, angry and frustrated by life in general. And, rather sadly, cling on to ridiculous court cases such as this as some sort of comfort.
But as I wrote earlier, it would have been even better if JT had stepped up and acknowledged that that is what happens and doesn't necessarily make him a 'racist'
Ironically, I think that would have served his reputation better than the Not Guilty verdict
Bazile - I think (dredging the memory banks) that was because a key part of the prosecution's case was the glove that was found and which, during the trial when Simpson was told to put the glove on, was clearly much too small for his hand.
baz, i am not suggesting the magistrate is crooked, more that another footballer gets away with something mere mortals do not. If you lambasted your work colleague with the same racially laden expletives, it's likely you would be in the dock. And not go away with a not guilty verdict. If he didn't say any of those words, why did they take him to court.