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/// I give my gender a discredit - how funny coming from you!! ///
You have never know me to make such disgusting terms as 'knob rot', although such terms might be used in exclusive male company, one does not expect to hear such terms from a female, especially in an open forum such as this.
/// Yes back in the day all men were tested for STD's however once the ark landed and they realised the invasion of privacy they stopped it!! ///
You know that for certain do you, ever been in the Services?
You will be telling me next that all Armed Services medicals, and Drug tests have also stopped since 'the Ark' landed, because of the invasion of privacy.
/// I was not personally insulting but you obviously feel the need to stoop to that level so I will join you! ///
Wasn't it you who typed "stupid sexist comment" implying that I was both stupid and sexiest to make such a comment?
Sounds insulting enough to me.