I think Huhne as a person, was summed up in the published texts from his son. Apart from the names he calls his father he insists that his mother only took the points after intolerable pressure from Huhne..............I'll believe the son.
funny enough so do i, he was obviously hurt deeply by his fathers betrayal, departure, it can be devastating when a parent leaves, more so i expect when it is splashed across the newspapers.
no idea, suggest that costs will come out of his purse, why in this case should it matter, don't you think people should be prosecuted for perjury, prominent person or not.
You must have a career, or a friend with a career in the police JJ. BTW I think your assumption that the wives of most speeding motorists are non career minded is a little misguided.
JJ - Your outrage at the waste of time and money in this prosecution might not sound quite so hollow had you not already established your own complicity in 'points-trading'.
Chris Hunhe and Vicky Pryce have now been sentenced and I, for one, are happy that they will be serving a term behind bars.......
Let's hope that this is an end to the who sordid shambles.
JTH ... I do love you, but no number of people bleating on about the dangers of speeding will ever convince me that this was not a farcical waste of money.
Nor will I ever listen to any self righteous person saying that speeding is dangerous unless they will say that they never, ever, EVER drive over the speed limit. Never. Not even at 72mph on an empty motorway.
But if, at the start of the affair, someone had asked me if I wanted to chip in towards the cost (which we all did), so that the Police could divert their attention from catching people who rob the elderly and focus on a high profile showboat offence related to speeding ... I'd have told them to clear off and chase the robbers and rapists instead.