Jim - Sir. - I honestly think that you are both barking up the wrong tree, Whether that is because you don't want or refuse to acknowledge the blatant truth is for you to decide.
This is not a race issue. It is an issue of religion. Radical muslims know full well that the British, with their inate sense of fair play, are a soft touch when it comes to being accused of racism so they have coined their own word to make us feel guilty. Islamophobia - a totally made up word to enable a group of people to get their own way.
Islam tells it's adherents that non-muslims (Kaffirs) are worthless and they must never befriend them. Imagine then how much less kaffir women are valued. It is with the excuse of following the Koran that some of these men justify their disgraceful actions and we are letting them do this time and time again for fear of being accused of racism.
If you haven't already seen this BBC documentary presented by Adil Ray then I would recommend that you do so and in particular watch for the muslim teenagers being interviewed and you will see the next generation of abusers,