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sir.prize | 17:26 Tue 14th May 2013 | News
81 Answers
Last week seven members of a Telford group were jailed for up to 18 years instant custody with an additional eight-year period on licence after release.

Today an Oxfordshire child sex trafficking ring has been convicted.

Hopefully they will be suitably imprisoned.

Or will our justice sytstem once more show inconsistency in sentences?


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Oh, I see, Chris. Sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean that you were twisting it at all, rather those radical muslims you mentioned.

I'm concerned about these Pakistani types turning up at our courts for charges of serious sexual grooming. The CPS chief prosecutor for the North West is one and, blow me down, the CPS one for the Oxford area looks suspiciously like one too. They come over here, taking our jobs. I want a survey. How many of them are in these prosecuting posts compared to the native white British, that is what I want to know !
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Fred - there are lots of questions similar to yours that need answers.
Never mind sir.prize. The red tops will get around to hinting at answers to all such questions in due course :)
*Not forgetting too their specific dietary (dictated by religion) requirements.*

ive found halal meat is quite a bit cheaper than non halal so therefore saving the prison a bit of money i would think :p
"I'm concerned about these Pakistani types turning up at our courts for charges of serious sexual grooming."

Sexual grooming? Forgive my ignorance but what is sexual grooming?
It is my belief that offenders of this kind should be castrated. The removal of offending appendages would hormonally remove the deviant sex drive. Having said that, it is possible that these so called "Beasts" might have been in it for the money. Horrifying as it may sound, I am aware of women who have been part of trafficking little boys...for their menfolk.
Totally agree. They wouldn't groom children from within their own ethnic groups, but young infidels are more than fair game.

/// My philosophy is that dogs and horse are different species, and that the same can't really be said of British people and Pakistanis. ///

That may well be, but my philosophy is that just as one can have different breeds of dogs, there are also different breeds of humans.
Depends what you think makes them different.

/// If you are alienated from that society you can very quickly forget that the people in it are humans like you.///

Don't you dare class these 'beasts' as humans like me, I won't say they are animals because that would be insulting to animals, they are a sub-species who commit disgusting sexual and racist attacks on young white girls.

/// And then they do become commodities to be traded. It happened in reverse, for example, when we occupied India and parts of Africa. Then it was our turn, at times, to treat the locals are commodities to be used, and traded. ///

What are you suggesting that these are now our invaders and they are only carrying out acts which incidentally we 'NEVER' carried out even in the 19th century?
If they ended up as "beasts" then they didn't start that way, is my point really. To call such people a "sub-species" is not particularly accurate and goes no way towards addressing the problem. I am in no way meaning to imply, either, that these people are "invaders". On the other hand whenever two different societies meet and neither engages with the other, they almost invariably forget that the other society is made up of human beings. With often frightful consequences. The slave trade springs to mind, for example.
AOG, //Don't you dare class these 'beasts' as humans like me,//

Don't be so aggressive. Jim's not been rude to you, and there's no need for it.
The fact that aog regards Pakistanis or, possibly, just Muslims, as a different breed, just as one can have different breeds of dog, gives the plainest evidence for your point, jim.

/// The slave trade springs to mind, for example. ///

Oh no, not again, "The Slave Trade" that is a subject that has been over debated, and it is time that it was forgotten and not constantly used as a whip to beat westerners, especially the British.

Was it not the Africans who started the slave trade, and wasn't it the British who first put an end to it?
Agree about the slave trade aog. The argument was going quite well until that got mentioned. The Africans were treating other Africans as a separate breed.
I don't think we, or anyone else, can claim moral high ground in the Slave Trade. if the British put an end to it, that was after being buried in it up to our necks for the better part of a couple of centuries. Yes, the Africans were involved too. No, it should not exactly be forgotten if in doing so you forget that anyone and everyone can turn into an evil person if they forget that those in another society are people too.


/// Don't be so aggressive. Jim's not been rude to you, and there's no need for it. ///

Yes I agree when I read it back it does sound aggressive, but I did not mean it in that context, and yes I agree Jim has not be rude or aggressive and although I disagree with him he has conducted his argument in a cool and calm way.

So please jim accept my apologies, I am sorry if I was rude or offended you in any way.
/which incidentally we 'NEVER' carried out even in the 19th century? /

aog that is a lie

in colonial days, young girls and young boys in India were procured for the sexual exploitation of members of the British community

Or perhaps you believe paedophiles were only invented recently?

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