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Man Charged With Pc Blakelock Murder Afrter 28 Years.

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sandyRoe | 16:54 Tue 23rd Jul 2013 | News
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What good can come of raking over old sores?


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Let's not forget it wasn't a case of the Police 'Not getting it right first time'

There was sufficient evidence for the fabrication of evidence for detectives to have been charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice and conspiracy - although not enough it seems for a conviction after those who gave statements about the interview did not appear as witnesses.

Whatever the rights and wrongs it was an extraordinary state of affairs

So I also think the CPS must feel fairly confident - they have decided not to bring charges against a number of others that were on Police bail

They really won't want to risk an acquittal in this case

This is good news...and one of the side effects of this is that Winston Silcott's name will finally be cleared. I know he was officially cleared, but with someone else convicted (if it goes all the way), that should be the end of it for Silcott.

Also, I have to say sandyRoe, I like the fact that even after all this time, the crime is still 'live'.

If conviction is successful, it tells crims, "It doesn't matter how long it takes...we're going to get you..."
if there is one, then surely there are others...
Justice for the family. Justice for Blakelock himself. A reminder to everyone that there should be no statute of limitations on murder.

It was a savage and barbaric crime that deserves to be punished. The Met handled it badly first time around, with more than a suspicion that evidence had been fabricated.

I cannot imagine the CPS proceeding with this case, given its profile, unless they have substantive new evidence.
i totally agree.
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I hope there's more to this new evidence than a microscopic spot of blood, overlooked for years, which was evidence enough to secure convictions in the Damilola Taylor case.
the police have been bitten over this already, wouldn't they make pretty sure of their evidence before proceeding this time.
50 people supposedly attacked the poor man, people out there know who was involved, someone could have come forward after all this time, better forensic evidence.
// What good can come of raking over old sores? //

Presumably after a certain period a crime that must be investigated turns into an old sore that mustn't be raked over. What kind of time limit would you like to see imposed?

"What good can come of raking over old sores?"

Well, a bit of justice for the victims of crime and, in this case, the relatives. Would you suggest that the whole Savile thing shouldn't be investigated because it was a long time ago? Or that Stephen Lawrence's killers shouldn't be pursued?

PC Blakelock was based in the police station at the end of my road and, while I didn't know him, his face was familiar to all in the area. The memorial to him was placed in Muswell Hill Broadway because to put it where he died would have inflamed the situation. Folk put flowers in it to this day. So yes, if they can prove it - and I hope they can, of course the suspect should be put on trial.

To answer another question, as he was a minor when the alleged offence was committed, I think he'd be tried now as an adult, but that the sentence would reflect his age at the time of the offence.
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'Sentence would reflect his age at the time of the offence.'
Jumping the gun a bit there. He's only just been charged.

/// What good can come of raking over old sores? ///

They have done enough raking over old sores in the Stephen Lawrence affair, so why the difference over Pc Blakelock murder?
/// The memorial to him was placed in Muswell Hill Broadway because to put it where he died would have inflamed the situation. ///

We bother too much about 'inflaming the situation', perhaps we should show them that if they start any trouble, it will be stamped down on immediately, no matter who we inflame.
who are 'them' AOG?
in the Stephen Lawrence case that was a farce, bad policing, and they knew it. They let down his family, and in the case of PC Blakelock, perhaps if someone is finally charged with his murder there will be some closure for his family. Both are terrible cases.
Perhaps when these two horrendous crimes have finally been sorted they might move on to finding the murderer of Jill Dando but won't be holding my breath.
Is there a photo of the man who's been charged, I've been reliably informed that I know him but the name doesn't ring any bells.

Back to the op, jeez Sandy if one of yours was murdered wouldn't you want justice, no matter how long it took?
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The evidence against the accused may just be a microscopic spot of blood on his clothing. That would prove he was in the crowd but not that he played any part in the attack on PC Blakelock. I'vbe a feeling that it will be difficult to secure a conviction here. That's why I asked what good would come from this.

Rockyraccoon, many people here in NI have long ago given up hope of ever seeing the killers of their loved ones being brought to justice.
i don't think they should ever stop seeking justice in cases like this. however, it does need to be a very rigorous process from start to finish.

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