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tamborine | 13:19 Wed 18th Sep 2013 | News
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Is this an unnecessary burden on tax payers


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///I really don't think you can put a price on knowing that all OUR children are getting at least one meal per day///

Interesting, the use of the word 'our' if there're yours, fine, put your hand in your pocket and pay for them, as I did with mine years ago, don't come to me, via my taxes, with a begging bowl!
Surely not.
I will do Baldric and gladly, im sure i can spare the nth penny it'll cost me.

I really can't believe that people are quibbling over what will probably amount to pennies increase in their taxes to ensure all our children, yes our- of our country, are fed at least one meal per day. I didn't realise people were that petty, mean and callous.

That was to Ummmm.
Baldric - life throws some horrible scenarios at you.

B00, it's yet another cost being foisted upon the taxpayer, and another responsibility being lifted from the parents, a large number of whom take precious little responsibility for their children anyway.
Maybe so Baldric, but the possible alternative makes me want to cry....hungry kids at school.

And no, before anyone makes the suggestion, by own child will not benefit from this, she'll be 9 by the time this is introduced and will therefore miss out on it.
Sweeping generalizing.
I reckon it would lead to wholesale can sit a child in front of cabbage but you cant make them eat it!
*MY own
Don't we already pay for food for children with child benefit?
No...child benefit replaced tax cuts.
Yes Woofy, but it appears that some of that money is not being made to provide a lunch for some children.

All im saying is that we can say X,Y, Z is given to provide for hard up families, but children are still going hungry. I'd rather feed those kids 1st then leave it to those qualified to find out why they're not being fed by their parents/caregivers.

I might be being soft, but I just can't abide the thought that in this day and age in our country kids are hungry.
then lets tackle the issue of making the benefit money that is intended to feed children doing so before we throw more money at the problem.
It's not the pennies it's the principle of allowing one group to pass the consequences of their personal life decisions and subsequent responsibilities on to the rest. I don't believe for a moment that it would save even one life. The welfare state already exists as a safety net. Kids still get missed when something is 'up' because no system is perfect, and if one is going to get abused they are likely to find themselves in that situation anyway. This is all excuses for getting the public to fund someone else's kids. It's wrong, and hopefully it'll ensure those responsible never get into power again. That said I think the same thing ought to be the case for all the damned political parties we have. Not worth half a light between them. Each and every one of them inflict a series of wrong decisions on the rest of us whenever they can. Then the next lot leave them and add a bunch of their own.
I don't begrudge paying for this but what happens when a child is presented with food it doesn't like? Is he forced fed or goes hungry because he's not allowed to bring a lunchbox?
I have some sympathy with Baldrics point of view. I don't mind my taxes going to support those who are in difficulty and on the breadline .The welfare system is there as a safety net and I would never begrudge a child a meal What I do begrudge though is the "all ".
I'm sure the yummie mummies in their chelsea tractors can afford to feed their children without the taxpayer having to stump up.
It's a non starter though really and not worth getting het up about .Clegg has promised this as a vote catcher .He'd sell his soul to the devil to stay in government .
shaney, I understand that the devil investigated the deal and refused it!
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If Clegg has his way, free meals will be for ALL school kids.

"Universal free school meals will help give every child the chance in life that they deserve, building a stronger economy and fairer society."

Nanny state ?

Thank goodness Clegg and friends are only a % of those in power,
it just goes to show that we could not afford a LibDem Government.
(another thread there I'm sure)

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