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Its Seems Ok For Muslims....

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trt | 22:27 Tue 08th Oct 2013 | News
97 Answers be able to preach hatred outside Mosques in the UK and try to disrupt our soldiers marching through Towns but, when one person makes a comment on FB she could face prosecution.

I know it was a stupid thing to do but surely it works both ways!


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from early 1990.
zeuhl, i have claustrophobia, and fear of spiders, is that a mental health issue?
so if freedom of speech comes with consequences, and this woman ends up with a fine or in court, why does that not seem to happen who are clearly seen on our streets, filmed by themselves or others in the crowd preaching death to soldiers, death to the infidel, which means us doesn't it?
Keyplus, I’ve told you before a phobia equates to an irrational fear and there’s nothing irrational about fearing madmen whose sole aim is to impose their backward, barbaric, culture upon the rest of the world. You pull the wool over the apologists’ eyes by claiming to be a moderate Muslim – and they stupidly fall for it - but if you represent moderate Islam then ‘saints’ preserve us from the fundamentalists. These, amongst many other damning examples, are your words.

//As far as the domination of Islam is concerned. Truth always come out on top, sooner or later. You believe it or not. Your problem.//

Rather than concern yourself with the state of mind of others, Keyplus, you’d be well advised to examine your own.

// Is Islamophobia. a criminal offence? //

/// No. ///

Well that seems okay then, so what 'ophobia' can we call all those that 'Bad Mouth' the Christian faith, Christianophobia, maybe?

Just want to know so that I can attach the correct label to those who warrant it.

/// But I must admit that after years on AB I have started enjoying every single post against Islam as it tells me about state of mind of few people. ///

You mean of course all those Islamics who have committed their acts of terrorism all over the world, but I wouldn't have called them a few?


///Just populate the whole world with LazyGuns....and a few andy-hughes for good measure. ///

Oh gawd, stop the bus, I want to get off.


/// Oh gawd, stop the bus, I want to get off. ///

Hang on, I'll get off with you.
/zeuhl, i have claustrophobia, and fear of spiders, is that a mental health issue?/

If they are 'disproportionate' - yes they are

For example, if you were alarmed by a large spider running out of a box that had just arrived from the tropics it would be quite normal (and desirable); some spiders do have poisonous bites.

However, when I was practising, I worked with people who would jump in the air (risking injury to themselves or anybody close by) if you so much as showed them a photograph of a spider.

That is extremely disproportionate. Most of the 'islamaphobia' on AB seems to be midway on that scale :-)

/so what 'ophobia' can we call all those that 'Bad Mouth' the Christian faith

aog just doesn't understand English very well LOL
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Posted by Mikey4444 ''Are you defending this stupid person who made those remarks?''

Not at all, I just think a lot of Muslims have said and acted a lot worse but not much happens to them.

Its always seems to be that British Christians are not allowed to air their views as its seen as being racist, but OK for other immigrants/religions to insult us and say what they want!
Blimey that's all a bit vague trt

/a lot of Muslims have said and acted a lot worse/

which incidents do you mean exactly?

/but not much happens to them./

rather depends on you clarifying the first bit; muslim extremists have been jailed and all indicators are that the person with the silly FB rant will not suffer too much

/British Christians are not allowed to air their views as its seen as being racist/

which British Christian views are incorrectly described as racist?

/OK for other immigrants/religions to insult us and say what they want! /

if it doesn't contravene any laws it is the freedom of speech we all enjoy; which specific remarks are you choosing to be insulted by or is it just a vaguely imagined paranoia?
@emmie "so if freedom of speech comes with consequences, and this woman ends up with a fine or in court, why does that not seem to happen who are clearly seen on our streets, filmed by themselves or others in the crowd preaching death to soldiers, death to the infidel, which means us doesn't it?"

Well, you would have to ask the police, wouldn't you? A couple of points though - In her case it was a FB posting and then a follow up text - so very easy for someone to report, very easy to find the evidence, very easy to find the person responsible. Film of a crowd of people at a demonstration for instance is rather different and more difficult to do; Same with a preacher preaching outside a mosque. First you have to have someone to witness the preaching, preferably a recording of it. Then you have to have someone to be able to translate it, if it is not in English. Then you have to have someone offended who will report it.

I can only think of a few high profile cases where protestors/preachers were filmed with what constitutes hate speech; Choudhary (?) in the street, and then the muslim protestors carrying placards urging beheadings and the like - and then the protests at Wootton Bassett. I think at least some of the muslims carrying the placards were traced by the police and given a warning, which is probably what is going to happen here. Not sure about the other cases though.

Its another case where people are seeing an equivalence wherer there isn't one really; The nature of the "offence" is different. Hypothetically speaking, were the situation reversed - ie a muslim woman expressing pleasure at the deaths of christians say, and posted it on Facebook for the world to see, and then followed up with text messages to friends or acquaintances who had taken offence, I would imagine you would see a similar response from the police to what has happened here...If it did not happen, then you might have grounds for complaint.
a Christian woman told she couldn't wear a cross because of health and safety, even though she had done so for years, with no murmur. Yet Muslim women can wear a burkha with long sleeves whilst working in hospitals, where doctors and nurses have to roll up their sleeves. If you don't think Christians are being victimised then have a look at what happened to the couple who protested they did not agree with same sex couples sharing a room in their B&B, on the basis of their Christian beliefs, they were heavily fined and likely to lose their business. I have reiterated that i don't care for any religion, but if you put the boot on the other foot and said that a Muslim couple running a hotel/boarding house who stressed that their religion will not allow same sex couples in their business, do you think they will fined or lose their business, i wonder.
there is film, footage of demonstrators clearly shown carrying placards with death to soldiers, infidel, and any other way to describe their feelings of our supposed involvement in countries many have never visited, visible for all to see, how does that not stop the police from making arrests, is it because its a demo, or a demo involving hard line fanatics in our midst, let us not upset the minorities idiocy.
naomi posted this before, you don't have to watch it all, its a documentary by Stacy Dooley, who was born and brought up in Luton, watch the bit
from 07.00 for a few minutes, and though as she says they are small in number the words are incendiary.

//a Christian woman told she couldn't wear a cross because of health and safety, even though she had done so for years, with no murmur. //

No she wasn't it was nothing to do with H&S it was because she had breached their Uniform code

She refused to comply or accept a back office job

After losing in British courts she took the case to the hated European Court of Human Rights and won

Strangely there was no outcry about how awful the ECHR was!

Your second example is typical of these sorts of arguments

You don't have an example of muslims rejecting a gay couple and being letr get away with it so you've constructed a hypothetical example and invited people to damn the system based on a biased supposition of what you think would happen.

Mulim hate preacher gaoled

Another narrowly escaping gaol

and another (one of 5 arrested)

/Christians are being victimised then have a look at what happened to the couple who protested they did not agree with same sex couples sharing a room in their B&B, on the basis of their Christian beliefs/

emmie that's daft
they weren't prosecuted for their personal beliefs they were fined because their business broke the law

Perhaps people with those sort of fringe beliefs should reconsider whether they should be in a business that is required to serve everyone regardless

/ a Muslim couple running a hotel/boarding house who stressed that their religion will not allow same sex couples in their business, do you think they will fined or lose their business, i wonder. /

Me too. There must be lots of hotels in London owned and operated by Muslims.Do you have any evidence of such a couple doing so and being treated preferentially?

If not, I'm not sure what your point is.
if that woman had worn her cross all these years, why all of a sudden was it a health and safety issue

it wasn't
read jtp's post
can the same apply if you advertise a house/flat/room to rent to Muslims only, if you are the owner/person who rents the property, could i put an advert saying i have a house/rent/room to let to Christians only? I ask because i don't know the law well enough on that score.

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