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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
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Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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Even so, if it was your child you would want to know what happened to her wouldn't you? And you would want to see whoever killed her punished. I suppose one would barely dare to hope that she was still alive but would cling on to the fact that until evidence to the contrary came to light then there must be a small chance.
derekpara, my answer to your question is no you probably wouldn't.

Just a thought....If you look back at some of the past cases of missing children which had a high media profile from day one, ie, Holly and Jessica, Shannon Matthews, Tia Sharpe and April Jones the police had a suspect in mind.

I'm not saying that is the case in this instance but it wouldn't surprise me if they knew more than they are letting on.

As for the Crimewatch programme and the 'groundbreaking new evidence'....
2 new E Fits?
I found it strange that the BBC spent the first ten minutes trying to paint a glowing picture of the MCcaans rather than just concentrate on the fact their daughter is missing.
ill second your post elvis.
The Mccann's have worked hard at keeping Madeline in the public's conscience they have been fund raising and constantly been in the news asking for help to find her. There is no reason whatsoever that you should not get the same resources given that you show the same determination that the McCanns have. I noticed that Ben Needham's mother took the opportunity to come forward to remind everyone that her son is still missing. It must be heartbreaking to lose a child, and even worst when people to say it was their fault. With hindsight it's easy to say that, the other people in their group that night also had children but they were ok. I wonder how many parents on holiday go to the bar after the children were put to bed. (I never did btw).
I wonder how many people posting on here, critical of the McCann's actions that night, have never done anything which, had something gone wrong, would have exposed them to public censure? We did.
On holiday we wanted to eat in a fish restaurant and our girls 10 and 12, wanted Chinese, so we sat them in a Chinese next door to the fish restaurant, spoke with the staff and went for our meal. We could see the door of the Chinese from where we were sitting and it worked out well but it had the potential for problems.
I don't think we should be so holier-than-thou about the McCanns, I never believe anyone who says they,ve never done anything risky with their children, they've never had it go wrong.
Did you do that every night though zebo?
I think children of 10 and 12 are as vulnerable as maddie mccann
sorry ** not as vulnerable.
We have always gone on holiday tailored around our children, not vice versa. Not commenting on the McCann situation, just saying in general. Surely, if you choose to have children, your choose the lifestyle that goes with it (the only time I go out in the dark these days is trick or treating).
anneasquith 15:07 Tue 15th Oct 2013

via bbc news, the programme was not aired in Portugal, not it would seem is it going to be , does that make sense ?

oops ** nor.

Just... jaw dropping, frankly.

Or is it political sensitivities? I can't imagine the scale of public uproar if the locations and roles were reversed and the Portuguese Police came hear to rake over one of our investigations which had ground to a halt.

In any event, I doubt it would do much good if they did do a broadcast there. I recall a piece on Newsnight, some years ago, which was to do with some new EU farm subsidy and the reporter chose to go into the sticks in Portugal to get the opinion of a farmer, who might stand to gain from the new regulations.

It slowly emerged (through an interpreter) that, not only had the old geezer never heard of Brussels, he didn't know where it was, let alone what they did there. He hadn't even heard of Porto, despite it being less than 30 miles away.

If they're so parochial that some of them don't even know that their capital city is only just down the road then I believe that an abducted child could be spirited away into the countryside and the adoptive parents could be completely oblivious to the kidnap scandal at the holiday resort.

Just how far inland did the original Portuguese Police search extend?
This is the first British investigation into McCann case. As to how/why is immaterial as a planned abduction is unavoidable.
Derek, do you GRUDGE the money and effort being put in to this case?
Derek- pe teacher- humble???
Good point from Elvis. The police often have a hidden agenda behind these appeals.
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Janbee. No, I certainly do not begrudge the McCanns the money and effort, but I wondered whether status influenced allocation of resources. There seems to be mixed views on that. After all, it is pretty unusual, I think, for a GB investigation to take place on foreign soil.

Regarding the McCanns, I would like to see the parents charged with negligence and face a judge and jury. I wouldn't want them to receive a sentence after all they've been through - just a conviction for their gross negligence.
And all the rest of the group who left their children or just the McCanns?

And is it really gross negligence when you are checking on them every half an hour?
It seems that it is not only the Portuguese farmer who is ignorant of the capital city of Portugal Hypognosis.

For your information,Hypo,the capital of Portugal is Lisbon not Porto.
Games master as in Brian Glover in Kes ?

complete with hitting the kids if they 'diss' you.

I wonder if you were just a humble sickle rider and not an ex-cabinet minister, wd you have as mich time/money spent on your calling them 'Ruperts' ? I think not

Luck of the draw
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So the disappearance and probable death of a child caused through the McCann's actions, or lack of them, isn't grossly negligent ? Pray tell me what is.

And, yes, it is grossly negligent to leave such young children unsupervised even for half an hour.
lots of interesting info here -
link not available.

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