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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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chrissa, you are so right, my mother admitted it and that was a very long time ago, a neighbour looked in, but we were all little children...
So what's your opinion Doctor? :)
You are free to air your opinion, Sqad, just as I am free to ignore it.

Fact is, that this thread itself, some of the comments of it, and other threads before, treat the McCanns as somehow less than human. I was voicing my opinion, which of course I am perfectly entitled to do.

i think they made a poor decision, but as pointed out so have many, and not just recently.
The original post (if anyone can remember that far back) hinted that if the McCanns had not been 'middle-class' educated individuals they would have been treated differently and the case treated differently. I don't want any pound of flesh nor have I directly accused anyone of murder. I'm saying IMHO if the parents and friends had been Mr. and Mrs lager swilling 'brits abroad on benefits' the majority of the contributors to this post would be tut tutting , bemoaning the terrible tragedy caused by inadequate parenting skills, and calling for the parents to be taken into account. Double standards
Clary......well said and that is what i understood was your opinion.
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Don't understand why you were too scared to say that Jordyboy? Quite a lot of threads, especially here in news, is filled with different views on a particular subject- we haven't beheaded anyone yet for having an opinion that's different to what may seem to be the majority :-)
Would you leave your child outside the cafe and go for a cuppa.
I do hope this little girl is found.
I do think her parents could/should have had a baby sitter.

I'm looking for some reason this is in News,
not having a lot of luck!
I've written and deleted three responses here so far.....

Try again .... Are the McCanns involved or complicit in the disappearance of their daughter, no I would seriously doubt that, though these things have happened as we are all aware. Are the McCanns guilty of not ensuring the safety of their children; absolutely yes.

I don't know how many people on this thread have lost children, I have. Two of our kids died not long after birth through various complications. It's different I know but the feelings of grief you experience as a parent must be similar. What losing a child does is make you even more aware of protecting them in every way you can. The McCanns did not protect their children suitably, there can be no doubt of that.

Posters in this thread find that distasteful, fair enough, that's your opinion. The world is a very different place now to what it was when my kids were young and it changes all the time. As parents we have changed the ways we protect our kids, changed how we try to bring them up to protect them from the worst of the world, the worst of the internet, drugs etc etc. When I was a kid it was booze and fags, drugs were things pop stars took and Jimmy Saville was a radio DJ.

The point is if the McCanns had protected her they would still have their daughter and we'd never have heard of them.

The point of this thread though was to discuss the presence of this case in the media. In simple terms I doubt whether anyone who didn't have the resources they have at hand would be able to sustain it. They have stage managed a great campaign and the results are yet another investigation. Joe Bloggs in the street wouldn't be able to pull the media in the same way therefore the story would fall off naturally. I don't know of another case like this that has continued to appear with such regularity.

Personally, I find the it offensive that this one case has had such a huge amount of police resources thrown at it when we all know that in most other similar cases investigation would all off after a few weeks. That view may be abhorrent to some of you but how much can the country afford to invest in this at a time when we are all strapped for cash. I apologise if that offends but when I type that, I think of all the parents of missing kids who don't have the resources or intellect to push the campaign the way the McCanns have, those parents have a right to that level of investigation as well and I suspect in 99% of cases they didn't get it.
er, it has been in the news, Baldric, new investigation and new findings.

The question in the OP seems to refer more to someone's feelings of inequality rather than the story in the News!
true, but I think the OP has been prompted by the reappearance of the story in the news. If it had just been about the inequality afforded teachers it would have been under Jobs & Education.
Well said, slapshot
I agree slapshot. And what are the new facts? facts or theories, we now have another man walking down the road with a child in his arms, and a gang of blond haired paedo/robbers.

In actual fact there is no evidence of an abduction as yet. There is a missing child and blood specs behind the settee!
@Slapshot Thoughtful post, and I am sorry for your own loss.

You ask how much can the country invest so much money in a single investigation during a time of austerity. I would answer that to suggest that we should not invest, should not investigate open cases of such seriousness, the country would be abrogating one of its primary principles, that of protecting and looking after the welfare of its citizens, as well as setting a very poor precedent for other open cases, and setting a price on justice.

You have also articulated your opinion, as have others here, that the McCanns have been favoured by their status, that they would have been treated differently, would not have received the publicity, had they been ordinary joes; That the investigation would have been brought to an end much earlier, and that less fortunate parents have not had their case investigated with such thoroughness.

I am not entirely sure how to answer that. I personally do not believe that to be true, and I can think of no other similar case, with the sole exception of Ben Needham, which happened back in 1991,before broadband, before the launch of the 24 hour global news coverage that we see today. So I do not think we are comparing like with like, although I do feel sorry for the Needham family.
@nettie correct so why a new investigation.....

@ lazygun, thanks

The op is talking about fairness and playing a little devils advocate the question of the costs comes up as a relevant point of discussion. You are right of course it's one of the basic rights we have, it's just very poorly applied. Why should this family have more spent that any other. The McCanns are both intelligent people they know the best way to move things forward, mind you wasn't Max Clifford on board with their campaign....bit of an own goal there!!

The media moves on apace, there are a multitude of things we wouldn't know about or hear reported if we didn't 24/7 news coverage, the internet etc etc..... I often wonder whether its a good thing or not!
A new investigation is because there is such media coverage and guesses and whatnot, I think it is to appease everyone. The McCanns have stayed very much in the limelight, but where are the new leads? it is all speculation. I would dearly love for Maddie to be found safe and healthy and happy, but then that opens another can of worms, to leave her where she is happy or drag her back to the parents?

I very much doubt this little girl is still alive, sorry!
sadly I agree netti, I believe this child was dead soon after she was missed from her bedroom :(

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